ARTC – HazMat Technician + Transfer Specialist – AVAILABLE SEATS
December 8 - December 19
DATE: December 08 – 19
COURSE LOAD: 2 weeks (80 hours)
This 80-hour hands-on learning experience will allow the student to take full advantage of the Pueblo Training Center’s capabilities encompassing:
- HazMat Behaviors and Characteristics.
- HazMat Response Information Sources.
- HazMat PPE.
- Chemical Detection and Identification.
- Spill and Leak Control.
- Decontamination.
- Transport Containers and Features (Rail, Highway,
and Intermodal). - Transfer Operations to include:
− Grounding and Bonding
− Pumping Operations
− Pressure Differential Operations
− Flaring and Scrubbing - Full-Scale Response Exercises and Drills
encompassing all the above