help on hazmat response training at the
largest Hazmat Training Center in the world

Ambipar has a specialized team of qualified senior professionals with worldwide experience, offering best practices and decades of expertise.

Lee Nelson
Lee Nelson – Director – Ambipar Response Training Center – Ambipar Response
As the director at ARTC Lee Nelson is responsible for the strategy and daily operations of the training center. ARTC operates on a US Department of Transportation facility and offers industrial hazardous materials emergency response training focused on surface transportation and fixed facility incidents. The school aims to further research and techniques that support emerging challenges in the hazardous materials response sector. Areas of focus include lithium-ion batteries, hydrogen transportation, hydrogen carrier molecules, unit trains and firefighting.Lee has 20 years of experience in hazardous materials response in the US and Canada. He has worked for a Class 1 railroad providing oversight and management of its regulatory compliance and emergency response to hazardous materials incidents and transportation. He directed the operations for ERAC which provided emergency response training, planning and hands on mitigation for much of Canada’s oil and gas sector prior to joining Ambipar. He has served on the Association of American Railroads Tank Car Committee, the NFPA 472 committee on hazardous materials response and participated in the development of a liquefied natural gas locomotive fuel project. Throughout his career he has responded to hundreds of transportation emergencies providing stabilization, product transfer, firefighting, vent and burn operations, hot tap services, chemical neutralization and overall management of complex multi-jurisdictional hazmat incidents. Throughout his career he has focused on improving safety and efficiency in emergency response. Not content with status quo this has led to improvements in equipment, process and efficiency.Now that he has returned to his native Colorado, he is looking forward to introducing his children to the Colorado Rocky Mountains where they will spend time backpacking, fishing and exploring.

Hector Rivera
Hector Rivera – Bi-Lingual HazMat Instructor
With 20 years of experience in the FEMA USAR/VATF-1 as a paramedic/hazmat and communications specialist. He was deployed in 2006 for the first AST (Americas Support Team) deployment to Peru for the United Nations in the aftermath of an earthquake as a United Nations Disaster Assistance and Coordination (UNDAC) manager. The UNDAC is tasked with the emergency planning, response, and coordination for the Americas. There he was tasked with managing logistics equipment and personnel to numerous disaster responses in Central and South America including the Caribbean. Hector has traveled to Ushuaia per Argentina UN representatives for a USAR Type III team in hazmat/rescue and logistics management training. The USAR team needed advisory for the response, logistics, and command structure policy at the Civil Defense Authority.
Hector has joined the Ambipar Response Training team as a bi-lingual (Spanish/English) HazMat instructor. Hector will also be taking a lead role in development of any CBRN onsite training.