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Schedule of events, select the month:

  • 12/15 – ESG Series of Fact | Season 3

    Organization: Ambipar Group. Time: 11:00 a.m. With Daniela Pedrosa – CEO Ambipar VG. Location: Linkedin.

  • 12/01 – ESG Series of Fact | Season 3

    Organization: Ambipar Group. Time: 11:00 a.m. With Daniela Pedrosa – CEO Ambipar VG. Location: Linkedin.

  • 11/28 to 11/30 – GreenTech

    2022 edition of GreenTech Latin America.

  • 11/17 to 11/18 – XIV EXPO ABGR Seminar

    Organization: ABGR – Brazilian Association of Risk Management.

  • 11/11 – 50 years Petrochemical Complex

    Petrochemical Polo 50th Anniversary Event.

  • 11/06 to 11/18 – COP27 | 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference

    COP27 – Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

  • 06/10 – LIDE ESG Forum | LIDE

    Organization: LIDE – Business Leaders Group. Meeting in a forum format dedicated to ESG.

  • 09/27 – PP15 at Setcesp

    National Seminar on Handling and Transport of Hazardous Products and Waste and manual PP15. Location: Setcesp.

  • 09/22 to 09/23 – Expopetro 2022

    21st Congress of Fuel Dealers of the Southern Region | Porto Alegre / RS.

  • 09/15 to 09/16 – Brazil Climate Summit

    Brazil Climate Summit. Participation Plínio Ribeiro – CEO Biofílica Ambipar.

  • 09/01 to 09/04 – Blockinchain Rio

    The biggest Blockinchain event in Latin America.

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Relatório de Sustentabilidade Ambipar - Destaques 2020

Preparamos esse conteúdo com os destaques do nosso relatório de sustentabilidade. Confira as ações de sucesso alinhadas ao ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) que foram descritas no documento e tudo o que fazemos para preservar o mundo, hoje, e para as futuras gerações.

ESG: as três letras que estão revolucionando as empresas!

ESG: entenda como essas três letras estão revolucionando empresas ao redor do mundo e de que forma apoiamos nossos clientes dentro desses indicadores! Aperte o play!

Vamos falar sobre ESG?

Nesse vídeo contamos para você como atuamos nas três letras e auxiliamos nossos clientes a atenderem os indicadores da sustentabilidade. Confira!


Para nós, sustentabilidade não é apenas um discurso, é nosso dia a dia.


Investors and consumers increasingly value companies that take into account the ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) factors. Contact Ambipar and get your company ready.

Ranking Melhores do ESG

Ambipar está entre as melhores empresas na categoria Economia Circular

Ambipar Response

Estrutura de Atendimento Emergencial

Grupo Ambipar

Seja Bem Vindo ao Grupo Ambipar

Know all about DMR

Now we want to talk about the Waste Handling Declaration - DMR. - What is DMR? When should we send the declaration? Is there a difference in sending the DMR to each of the states? Should the carrier send the DMR?

Firefighters United States/Brazil

We invited specialists from Brazil and the United States to talk about how the Fire Department works when it comes to Hazmat!

End of PPRA? What changes with the arrival of the PGR?

In August 2021, companies will need to adapt to the new NR-01 that deals with the PGR (Risk Management Program). For this reason, we have brought together experts on the subject, so that you can participate in a free online chat about how your company should prepare.

Meet the new ABNT

We are going to discuss the elaboration of ABNT 14.608, based on NFPA 472. This Brazilian standard aims to implement specific security procedures and protocols for emergency care.

The MTR and its interaction with SIGOR

Our specialists will discuss "MTR and its interaction with SIGOR" on 02/05 at 11am. Take the opportunity to clear your doubts with those who understand the subject. Stay tuned!

Fire Extinguishing in Storage Tanks

Our first online meeting will be to address the topic "Extinguishing fire in storage tanks" in an exclusive and certified live.

How to Prepare for the New SINIR Electronic MTR

We brought together specialists to discuss the importance of registering with SINIR and following up on waste management from start to finish.

Waste Management in the Covid-19 Context

The COVID-19 pandemic brought challenges to different segments. When we think about waste management, it's no different.



Relatório de Sustentabilidade Ambipar - Destaques 2020

Preparamos esse conteúdo com os destaques do nosso relatório de sustentabilidade. Confira as ações de sucesso alinhadas ao ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) que foram descritas no documento e tudo o que fazemos para preservar o mundo, hoje, e para as futuras gerações.

ESG: as três letras que estão revolucionando as empresas!

ESG: entenda como essas três letras estão revolucionando empresas ao redor do mundo e de que forma apoiamos nossos clientes dentro desses indicadores! Aperte o play!

Vamos falar sobre ESG?

Nesse vídeo contamos para você como atuamos nas três letras e auxiliamos nossos clientes a atenderem os indicadores da sustentabilidade. Confira!


Para nós, sustentabilidade não é apenas um discurso, é nosso dia a dia.


Investors and consumers increasingly value companies that take into account the ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) factors. Contact Ambipar and get your company ready.

Know all about DMR

Now we want to talk about the Waste Handling Declaration - DMR. - What is DMR? When should we send the declaration? Is there a difference in sending the DMR to each of the states? Should the carrier send the DMR?

Firefighters United States/Brazil

We invited specialists from Brazil and the United States to talk about how the Fire Department works when it comes to Hazmat!

End of PPRA? What changes with the arrival of the PGR?

In August 2021, companies will need to adapt to the new NR-01 that deals with the PGR (Risk Management Program). For this reason, we have brought together experts on the subject, so that you can participate in a free online chat about how your company should prepare.

Meet the new ABNT

We are going to discuss the elaboration of ABNT 14.608, based on NFPA 472. This Brazilian standard aims to implement specific security procedures and protocols for emergency care.

The MTR and its interaction with SIGOR

Our specialists will discuss "MTR and its interaction with SIGOR" on 02/05 at 11am. Take the opportunity to clear your doubts with those who understand the subject. Stay tuned!

Sustainability Report 2023