Ambipar Response once again offers the only mobile unit in Ireland of its kind which is designed for the physio chemical treatment of liquid waste. The plant provides for the suction of the stream into the reaction tanks where the pH can be adjusted to suit treatment process, flocs and poly can be added and a patented bubble aeration system ensures proper separation of phases or uniform dispersion of chemicals. The filtrate can be filtered through an activated carbon filter if required. The entire operation is computer controlled and has online testing equipment to ensure standards are maintained. A printer is attached to the unit for reporting purposes.
This highly specialist unit which was developed by Ambipar Response in conjunction with overseas partners can handle a wide variety of applications from Oil/Water separation, neutralisation of acids/bases and other dosing treatments. The unit is specifically suited to the petrochemical industry for handling oil spillages, groundwater remediation, tank cleaning, interceptor cleaning etc.
On one particular site, it processed 35,000kgs of Interceptor Waste. Normally the works would require two articulated tankers to complete. With the use of our Mobile Physio-chemical Treatment plant, we were able to process the waste on-site and only 2.42 tons required disposal off-site.
The benefits of this unit are high both in financial and environmental;