Carbon Credits strategy

By Writing Team
Posted in March 25, 2022

Biofílica Ambipar Environment has the ideal strategy to help your company stay on top of greenhouse gas emission targets.

Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emission rates is the first step towards containing global warming. Therefore, companies that take a stand to combat climate change take the lead by assuming a Net Zero goal, a strategy to reach a level of equilibrium in which anthropogenic emissions in the atmosphere are equivalent to those that are removed, reaching a total zero net. Biofílica Ambipar Environment is a Brazilian company focused on the conservation of forests through the commercialization of environmental services, working to neutralize the gases that cause the greenhouse effect.

The use of the so-called services of nature is the way to remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere. Also known as NbS (Nature-based Solutions), they are actions that protect, manage and restore natural ecosystems in a sustainable way, taking into account the complexities and human well-being and biodiversity.

A first step towards achieving the Net Zero goal is to measure and reduce the company’s own carbon, whether in its direct consumption or in its production chain. In addition, it is important to establish intermediate targets to reach a 90% reduction in emissions by 2050 and be considered Net Zero.

According to the New Climate Institute, only 8% of 1,565 companies worldwide with Net Zero goals have robust intermediate targets. In Brazil, only 19 companies are committed to this initiative, which means that there is still room to evolve in the fight against climate change.

carbon credits strategy
Heider Torres Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are actions to protect, manage and restore ecosystems

Companies that fail to reduce their emissions can compensate through initiatives that remove or contain carbon emissions. That’s where NbS come in. They can effectively deliver a 37% reduction in global emissions by 2030, resulting in a 66% chance that the global average temperature rise will stay below 2°C.

Forests, in addition to conserving biodiversity, have an unparalleled carbon storage capacity. That is why the purchase of carbon credits from forest conservation (REDD+) or reforestation (AR – Afforestation/Reforestation) is an internationally recognized solution to neutralize emissions that are more difficult to abate.

What is REDD+?

Forest conservation carbon credits (REDD+) are generated through actions to combat deforestation and forest degradation combined with social, climate and biodiversity activities.

Its main advantages are the fact that credits are verified and audited for activities that have already taken place, the fast delivery process, the greater potential and scale of neutralization generation, in addition to the stimulus to the forest economy in regions with low economic development.

What is AR?

Reforestation carbon credits (AR) are generated in two ways: by planting trees in areas where there was no forest (afforestation) and in areas where there was deforestation (reforestation), creating or regenerating a new forest.

The advantages of these projects are that the carbon credits come from the removal (absorption) of carbon from the atmosphere, there is a greater generation of direct jobs for the production and planting of seedlings and they can be applied in any biome.

Companies that seek sustainability must compose an investment strategy in ecosystem conservation projects combined with carbon removal projects. Resources dedicated to the maintenance of ecosystems are essential as they create positive incentives for sustainable agro-extractive production and income generation.

Get to know Biofílica Ambipar Environment

A leader in the development of forest carbon projects in Brazil, all REDD+ projects by Biofílica Ambipar Environment are certified by the VCS (Verified Carbon Standard) and also have the CCB (Climate Community and Biodiversity Standard) seal, which quantifies the benefits to communities and the biodiversity. More than 5 million tons of VCUs (Verified Carbon Units) have already come from their projects. Of this total, around 4.2 million were sold to more than 100 customers, around 70 in Brazil and more than 40 internationally. In addition, these projects are aligned with the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) of the UN 2030 Agenda.

Recognition also came in the form of awards. The company was a 4-time champion of the EF Annual Voluntary Carbon Market Rankings in the category “The Best Project Developer, Forest and Land use”, offered by Environmental Finance, the main communication vehicle for environmental asset markets around the world.

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