By Marketing Team
Posted in November 6, 2024
Recycling of cans – Photo: Disclosure/Recicla Latas Geral
Ambipar aims to foster the economy of recycling cooperatives in the city, with a projection to double the income of the participating cooperatives.
The current climate scenario has shown the importance of sustainable actions in all areas. From small daily practices to the collaboration of large companies with the cause. With the goal of contributing to this task, the sustainable solutions company Ambipar will assist in the structuring of recycling cooperatives in Recife through the Circular Cities project, with the forecast to double the revenue of the organizations.
According to Felipe Cury, Head of Post-Consumption at Ambipar, the initiative aims to increase the financial profit of organizations involved in the recycling process of these materials, contributing to the practice of “reverse logistics,” which refers to the reuse of resources in the production flow by companies, such as the collection of plastic packaging for reuse.
The main focus of Circular Cities, which is already operating in other states, is to optimize the material collection processes of existing cooperatives, as well as those in the process of opening in the region, promoting the work carried out by these groups and distributing collection points for recyclable waste in the city’s condominiums.
Social Impact
In addition to providing direction for what would be discarded, the cooperative organizations also represent jobs and dignity for their members. The representative explains that in the project’s work in other municipalities, the impact is not only environmental but also has significant social consequences for the communities where the efforts of these groups are applied.
“These people roll up their sleeves and collect what we call trash, but what is actually not trash, it is an economic asset, as outlined in the National Solid Waste Policy. It is this economic asset that, when well managed and collected by these people, protects the planet’s natural resources,” he said.
However, it is not only the cooperatives that are interested in recycling and reuse practices. In addition to preservation, other factors also make the sustainable agenda attractive to large companies. Cost reduction and customer loyalty help engage these companies in environmental collaboration. Felipe explains that activities such as the return of packaging in exchange for discounts boost customer consumption, increasing business profitability and contributing to the sustainability cause.
“Not only does the profit margin increase, but public perception improves along with a brand campaign for marketing trends. So this is a perfect example of how we can bring solutions to these companies, so they stop seeing environmental and social issues as costs and start seeing them as an investment,” he added.