Nova Odessa - 12/02/2024

By Marketing Team
Posted in December 2, 2024

The vice-mayor of Nova Odessa, Alessandro Miranda (Mineirinho), attended on Thursday (11/28/2024) the inauguration of the Monte Mor Waste Sorting Center, which will also serve the municipalities of Capivari and Elias Fausto, made possible by Consimares (Intermunicipal Consortium for Solid Waste Management in the Campinas Metropolitan Region).

With an innovative operational model and training for recycling professionals, the social enterprise will place the three municipalities on the map for selective waste collection in the region, promoting the circular economy, with job and income generation.

The Monte Mor Sorting Center is an initiative of the Recicla Junto Project, carried out by Consimares in partnership with Ambipar Environment, a global Brazilian multinational leader in environmental solutions. The initiative is supported by companies such as CBA, Dow, and Tetra Pak, as well as the municipal governments of the served cities. Soon, the Nova Odessa recycling cooperative, Coopersonhos, will receive a new warehouse and equipment through the same partnership.

In Monte Mor, the new facility already operates in a nearly 600 square meter warehouse with modern structure and layout. The building is signposted, equipped with conveyor belts, presses, scales, and containers for material separation, as well as restrooms and a cafeteria.

With the inauguration of the new Sorting Center, Consimares expands its network of recycling cooperatives that adopt the pioneering management model developed and executed by Ambipar Environment, which professionalizes activities and strengthens the circular economy.

Now, six municipalities of Consimares have selective collection with the support of cooperatives, which will operate professionally. Soon, the Coopersonhos in Nova Odessa will be inaugurated and will follow the Ambipar methodology. Hortolândia is also adapting the structure of its Sorting Center to operate with this innovative model.

For the president of Consimares and mayor of Elias Fausto, Maurício Baroni, the implementation of selective collection in three more municipalities is a historic milestone. “I am happy that the Consortium is the instrument for this partnership with Ambipar and other companies to happen, with significant results for the advancement of the circular economy in the region, generating jobs and income for recycling professionals. Today is a historic day for the Consortium and the municipalities of Monte Mor, Capivari, and Elias Fausto,” said Consimares president Maurício Baroni.

The Monte Mor Sorting Center houses the second unit of the Cooperativa Juntos Somos Fortes, based in Santa Bárbara d’Oeste, whose management serves as a model for other municipalities in the consortium. Antonio Carlos Viana de Barros, known as Carlinhos, will coordinate the work of Juntos Somos Fortes in Monte Mor.

“We will strengthen the inclusion and job generation project. Recycling professionals are the main workforce to make selective waste collection happen. Thanks to Ambipar’s innovative work, we are moving from invisibility to visibility. Congratulations to Consimares, the City Hall, and Ambipar. May this new space be more than just a job opportunity; may it also be a springboard for other dreams in people’s lives, just as in Santa Bárbara d’Oeste,” commented Carlinhos.

Ambipar’s work plan includes creating the regulatory framework for selective collection, formalizing cooperatives, implementing the sorting warehouse, installing equipment, and training recycling professionals for professional and sustainable self-management. As part of the program, municipalities provide exclusive trucks for recyclable collection and a suitable warehouse for the sorting center installation.


“Today we celebrate a dream that became reality. The implementation of selective collection in these three cities is a milestone for the municipalities and Consimares, which has been working for years to strengthen the recycling chain in the region. The public sector, companies, and recycling professionals have united to turn challenges into opportunities, bringing innovation, inclusion, and sustainable development. All of these actions follow the guidelines of the National Policy and the Intermunicipal Solid Waste Plan,” emphasized Consimares Superintendent, Mimo Ravagnani.

The inauguration event of the Monte Mor Waste Sorting Center was attended by representatives from Tetra Pak, which supports the project in the city, Ambipar, the mayors Edivaldo Brischi (Monte Mor), Vitor Hugo Riccomini (Capivari), and the vice-mayor of Nova Odessa, Alessandro Miranda (Mineirinho), as well as recycling professionals who will work at the site.


The Recicla Junto Consimares project is a collaborative initiative led by the Consortium in partnership with Ambipar Environment. Its main goal is to promote selective collection and proper disposal of recyclable solid waste in the consortium municipalities, diverting these materials from landfills and other improper disposal methods.

With the aim of transforming solid waste management and promoting a culture of sustainability and social responsibility in the territory, the Recicla Junto Consimares project seeks to become an inspiring model of Humanized Circular Economy. To achieve this, it implements not only selective collection but also the creation, development, and training of Sorting Centers.

Furthermore, it offers opportunities and training for recycling professionals, actively involving the public sector, private sector, and the population in maintaining and expanding selective collection. In this way, the Recicla Junto Consimares works to create a lasting positive impact on the community and the environment, aiming for a more sustainable and inclusive future for all through Ambipar Environment’s exclusive methodology.

Founded 15 years ago, Consimares is made up of seven municipalities (headquartered in Nova Odessa and Capivari, Elias Fausto, Hortolândia, Monte Mor, Santa Bárbara d’Oeste, and Sumaré), with a population of about 1 million people. The region generates 700 tons of waste per day.
