By Marketing Team
Posted in May 13, 2021

Decontamination of two properties that had been occupied by a person infected with Ebola Virus when a volunteer healthcare worker who had assisted in tackling an Ebola outbreak in West Africa, returned with the disease. The healthcare worker, having recovered, later became ill again and went to stay with a relative before it was realised that the symptoms were once again Ebola.

Project Works:

There are varying reports as to how long the Ebola virus can remain viable outside the body, the consensus seems to be around 5 – 7 days on some surfaces. Although the healthcare worker had been in hospital for some time, the properties were treated as though viable virus was still likely to be present, so full PPE was worn. Discussions with Health Protection Scotland (HPS) about what to use for the decontamination agent were held. HPS initially asked that all surfaces were treated with hypochlorite solution. However, Ambipar suggested use of virucide which would not damage carpets, curtains, bedding and other soft furnishings. HPS agreed to this but asked Ambipar Response to specify a type and concentration of virucide to use. A suitable virucide was agreed and a team was deployed to decontaminate the properties.


All surfaces said by HPS to be potentially contaminated were sprayed with the virucide and bedding and some other items were disposed of as CAT A waste by incineration
