Valor Econômico by Toni Sciarretta - 08/01/2023

By Marketing Team
Posted in August 1, 2023

João Valente, director of digital assets at Ambipar – Photo: Disclosure

With Ambify, ABCripto now counts 30 members, including native crypto startups, asset tokenizers, banks, consulting firms, and law offices related to the crypto economy.

By Toni Sciarretta, Valor — São Paulo

Ambify, the platform of carbon credit-backed tokens by Ambipar, has joined ABCripto (Brazilian Association of Cryptoeconomics), an association that brings together digital asset companies in the country.

With Ambify, ABCripto now counts 30 members, including native crypto startups, asset tokenizers, banks, consulting firms, and law offices related to the crypto economy.

Ambipar’s crypto platform, a waste management company, has a utility token called ABFY, aimed at streamlining carbon offset projects and reducing carbon footprints. It also enables programs to minimize the impacts of climate change. The ABFY token is traded on several cryptocurrency exchanges in Brazil and abroad.

The project uses the BEP-20 network for block validations. Through this solution, it is possible to calculate the carbon footprint to understand the amount that needs to be offset through tokenized credits.

“The crypto market has been growing steadily in Brazil, and we believe that together, we can help defend the interests of users, communities, and companies that constitute this market,” said João Valente, director of digital assets at Ambipar.

With Ambify, ABCripto also aims to zero out its own carbon footprint generated by its activities. To achieve this, the association will use tokens to offset its emissions.

“Our partnership reinforces ABCripto’s belief in a green and digital future, which is why we offset our carbon emissions – from our work, events, offices, actions, and travel – through Ambify’s crypto technology,” said Bernardo Srur, CEO of ABCripto.

Among the members of ABCripto are Foxbit, Mercado Bitcoin, NovaDAX, Bank, Travelex Bank, Uniera, OWS Brasil, Ripio, Bitso, Deloitte, VDV Advogados, KPMG, Chainalysis, 99Pay, VBSO Advogados, Hachi Investiments, Coinext, Vórtx QR Tokenizadora, Mastercard, Grupo GCB, PeerBR, Zero Hash, Bitybank, LIQI, Itaú Unibanco,, Chiliz, Grupo Bancário Cainvest, and Declare Cripto.
