The circular economy is increasingly being inserted into the processes of large companies,

By Marketing Team
Posted in January 18, 2021

as the goal of reducing the increase in global temperature is a commitment of several multinationals that signed the Global Compact of the United Nations (UN) and committed to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Climate change is being discussed around the world and it is a matter of concern to humanity. That is why the circular economy is so important, after all, by reintroducing waste into the production chain, it is possible to reduce emissions into the atmosphere and use less natural resources.

In addition to being a great benefit for the environment, companies are able to generate revenue from their own waste. There are industries that transform the materials generated into new products to be used within the plant itself, to carry out social actions with employees or communities and even sell them to the market.

Ambipar has a Research, Development and Innovation Center to help companies understand what is possible to do with each type of waste generated. The objective is to show that the materials can be transformed into new products or sold to other companies to use as a low-cost raw material. We have separated some cases for you to understand how you can insert the circular economy in your business and still gain from it.

The pulp and paper industries generate large amounts of waste of various types. Instead of being sent to landfills, it is possible to reuse or transform them into new products.

In large factories, the waste is transformed into cementitious artifacts, such as blocks, pavers, posts, shackles, coarse sand and much more. The materials can be sold to the market as a new sustainable product, contributing to the environment and being in line with the actions aimed at ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance, in the acronym in English). In addition, the products can be used in reforms in the industry itself to make new structures or the company’s internal roads.

Paper and cellulose residues can also be transformed into soil acidity correctors to be used in the eucalyptus plantation itself or in community gardens for employees. This product can also be donated to rural producers in the region. These actions greatly strengthen the social index within the ESG criteria, giving the company greater credibility with investors.

Another product developed from residues from the industries in this segment is the Ecosolo, a soil conditioner capable of leaving the land totally nutritious, promoting healthier plantations. It is also possible to use it in the company itself.

All of these actions promote the circular economy, as the waste is reinserted in the production chain, becoming new materials to be used, sold or donated to nearby communities. In addition to taking care of the environment, companies adapt to ESG, which is in the sights of investors.

The pharmaceutical industry uses collagen to wrap capsules of vitamins, oil and some medications. Before, this waste was taken to landfills, but Ambipar’s RD&I Center found an innovative solution for companies. Through studies and analyzes it was possible to develop a soap as a prototype, based on Collagen.

The product showed the pharmaceutical industry the technical and economic viability of this new form of reusing collagen, in order to reintroduce it to the production chain, making it possible to give it a correct destination and promote the circular economy. The product has been dermatologically tested and approved.

The team involved in the project found that this type of waste is an excellent raw material for the cosmetics industry, which can buy collagen to make sustainable products. In addition, the pharmaceutical industries stop spending on the transportation and final destination of this waste and start making money from the action.

In fact, both drug companies, when selling, and the cosmetics industries, when buying, benefit from the ESG criteria, as they promote the circular economy and add value to their image, creating a line of sustainable products.

During the manufacture of cosmetics, such as perfumes, body oils, soap, shampoo, deodorants, sunscreen, among others, large amounts of waste and by-products are generated. The main ones are popularly known as “bulk cosmetics”, which are mixtures of creams and other tailings in the production chain. The vast majority of these products are destined for co-processing or, for that matter, the Effluent Treatment Stations (ETE), thus generating final disposal costs.

In view of this scenario and the need for companies to comply with legal aspects, such as the National Solid Waste Policy, Ambipar carried out a thorough work to develop an alternative for reusing these products. The RD&I team carried out studies, for almost a year, until reaching the fabric softener produced from the bulk of cosmetics.

When using waste to produce softeners, companies can launch a new sustainable product to the market or carry out social actions through donations to employees or communities. Thus, the company puts the circular economy into practice and promotes care for the environment.

Ambipar has highly trained professionals and specialists to carry out studies and develop the best circular economy project so that your company can reduce costs, generate revenue and take care of the environment by reintroducing waste into the production chain.

The company has a RD&I Center to develop technologies and innovations from waste. With several patents registered for sustainable products, it promotes a circular economy and assists companies with the correct disposal of their waste. The projects are developed in a personalized way, according to the client’s needs. Talk to a business analyst to find out more and change the way you treat your waste.
