

Contributing to companies and society to become sustainable, preserving the world for future generations.



Being renowned as a global reference in integrated environmental solutions, focusing on the client.



Believing and making it happen. Entrepreneurship, professionalism, innovation, and sustainability.

We are a Brazilian multinational specialist in environmental solutions, crisis management and emergency response that respects the compliance rules and socio-environmental responsibility, valuing ethics and prompt response to our customer’s demands.

We have knowledge and experience to reduce the environmental and social impacts, offering intelligent services and expertise to our customers, and together overcome the challenges of sustainability. After all, for us, sustainability is not just a speech, it is our day by day.



First environmental management company to join B3, we are leaders in environmental management in Brazil and work in alignment with ESG indicators.


Our social commitment is experienced every day by employees. We value an attractive, diverse and inclusive work environment.


A corporate governance model fully structured and aligned with compliance, with practices guided by ethical and transparent conduct.


Learn about our main actions in the Environmental pillar

Environment Carbon Emissions Inovation Internal Initiatives Circular Economy Ambify Renewable energy

Learn about our main actions in the Governance pillar

Risk management Conduct & Compliance Ethical Integrity SGI


The commitment to the environment is in our DNA. Since the foundation, we have helped to preserve the world for future generations.


Carbon Emissions

We are mobilizing ourselves through actions that reinforce our commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. We need to come together to take care of the planet..



Research, development and innovation with a focus on circular economy is one of our main pillars that assist customers in meeting ESG indicators..


Internal initiatives

Water is one of nature's most important resources and, knowing this, we carry out reuse and saving actions to preserve it. After all, water is a source of life..


Circular Economy

The circular economy is the focus of our business. Reincorporating waste into the production chain means acting in line with our purposes.



Do you know how much carbon dioxide emits in the atmosphere in your day-to-day? We made an app that does this calculation for you and also helps you to neutralize your emissions.


Renewable energy

We implemented an electric car at one of our customers' units as a pilot project to reduce emissions and promote low carbon savings.



Our social commitment reaches underprivileged communities, entities and support for institutions that need help in difficult times.


Human rights

Human rights must be respected by everyone! For this reason, our policies are fully aligned with good practices and preserve the human rights of all.


Global Compact

We are a signatory company to the UN Global Compact and are committed to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.


Support to Institutions

The support for institutions reinforces our commitment to actions aimed at socioenvironmental issues.


Social initiatives and campaigns

We believe that people's awareness is important for more sustainable practices to be put into practice.


Na Mão Certa

We adopted the initiative of the NGO Childhood Brasil to protect children and adolescents from sexual exploitation on Brazilian highways.


Partnership with clients

We unite with our clients in socio-environmental actions to, together, preserve the world for future generations.


Women in Leadership

Our women are seen, admired, recognized and synonymous with inspiration. We breathe diversity at Ambipar.


Risk management

Managing risks means taking care of business and transmitting security to customers, employees, suppliers, partners and investors.


Conduct & Compliance

We set standards to ensure the company's ethical standards and to ensure that all processes are in compliance.


Ethical Integrity

Corporate governance has the essential requirement of integrity management, with a focus on credibility, transparency and compliance.



The Integrated Management Policy (SGI) controls processes and analyzes the activities of operations so that everything is in compliance with the law.



The Integrated Management Policy (SGI) controls processes and analyzes the activities of operations so that everything is in compliance with the law.


Environmental preservation is in our DNA. We carry out a series of actions that promote socio-environmental issues, not only internally, but also for companies and society as a whole.

Commitment to the environment is intrinsic to our business, given the focus on environmental solutions and intensified with the approval of our Sustainability Policy by the Board of Directors (CA) which provides management guidelines for ESG aspects.

We are part of the Brazilian Stock Exchange’s Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE B3) portfolio in 2022, at the top 10 among the selected companies. This is a major recognition for the work we have been doing over the years and validates our belief in developing increasingly more sustainable and responsible businesses.

We are also at work supporting the UN and their partners in Brazil with their targets for achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Through our Environmental Management System (EMS), we have implemented procedures to manage the environmental risks and impacts of our facilities and activities seeking to insert the best sustainability practices in each stage of our operations.

Our initiatives stand out for aligning environmental preservation to reducing the impacts of climate change. We are investing in:

  • Implementation in 2021 a zero-carbon emergency response initiative. In partnership with Ambify, we started offsetting all carbon emissions from the emergencies responded to by Ambipar Response in Brazil, with a carbon credit retirement certificate issued and blockchain-based traceability;
  • Creation of Environmental Solutions Platforms;
  • Generation of carbon credits through waste valuation according to circular economy and low-carbon concepts;
  • 100% of all emergencies greenhouse gas-neutralized in Brazil;
  • 1,051,729.07 tons of waste valuated;
  • 176,498 CO2e in emissions offset;
  • 22 registered patents;
  • Ambipar USA partnership with the world’s largest hazard products emergency training field (TTC) in the United States;
  • Ambify app launched as a carbon offsetting platform for individuals;
  • In addition to internal projects, such as: solar energy generation; water reuse; forest areas for carbon offsetting and neutralization and use of an electric car to support customer operations.
  • We currently have more than 2 million hectares of forest under conservation, representing approximately 3.1 million tCO2eq of reduced emissions per year. We are responsible for selling carbon credits in Brazil and abroad.

    Combatting Climate Change

    We assume our commitment in the face of climate change, seeking to adopt strategies to adapt and mitigate the impacts on its businesses and the value chain.

    Due to the nature of our business, we are true creators of carbon credits through:

  • Waste valuation processes, creating carbon emissions-reducing products like Ecosolo®, for example;
  • The recycling or reuse of waste as raw material into the supply chain (circular economy/reverse logistics);
  • Replacement of energy matrix by coprocessing plants;
  • Solutions based on nature, that imitate natural processes to protect, manage and restore natural ecosystems in a sustainable manner, using smart soil management practices to either reduce or remove greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Emissions

    At the core of our services is a search for solutions to reduce any kind of impact on the environment. Accordingly, implementing and monitoring GHG emissions reduction and offsetting programs into the service performance cycle, including transportation and logistics, and generating energy from waste is part of our business strategy and our activities performed with Ambipar customers.

    In the company’s first emissions inventory in 2020, we found that 91.23% of our emissions were associated with the two waste treatment centers (CTR) that provide final disposal of customer waste. Dedicated to the search for alternatives that would reduce these 189,836.90 tCO2e, we investigated the knowledge of the facts: emissions are estimated in relation to the composition of the landfilled waste and its mode of operation. In 2020, when we did not know this composition, emissions were estimated using average values of the composition profile of Brazilian waste, based on updated data from ABRELPE, the Brazilian Association of Public Cleaning and Special Waste Companies.

    As a first step, we applied the methodology to define the composition of the bulk of such units that have been in operation for over 15 years. The collection of samples carried out in 2021 and the results of the gravimetric analysis carried out in the two CTRs allowed us to correct the percentage of organic matter in the composition profile, bringing the estimated emissions closer to the reality of our services. The emissions from these CTRs in the total inventory for 2020 was reduced to 110,555.80 tCO2e, representing 85.84% of the year’s emissions. In 2021, emissions from CTRs remained imminent with 114,512.51 tCO2e, representing 81.31% of Scope 1.

    The investigation into energy reuse technologies for landfill disposal will proceed to the financial feasibility assessment of biogas burning, energy generation or fuel production for implementation at group units. This investigation will enable us to design an investment plan for the action plan to reduce emissions over the course of this decade with the technologies offered in the market.

    Expanded proposition

    As a strategy in this carbon line of business, we acquired Biofílica, which became Biofílica Ambipar Environment, a Brazilian-based company focused on preserving native forests by selling carbon credits and offsetting legal reserves. In 2021, it sold carbon credits for three conservation projects (REDD+) in the Amazon, with about 1.2 million hectares of forest under monitoring.

    We believe that innovation is the path to a more sustainable future and is key to ensuring an efficient use of resources. Accordingly, our structure includes a research, development and innovation (RD&I) center.

    Our Research, Development & Innovation Center has a modern infrastructure composed of professionals trained to develop solutions in the area of waste treatment and reuse that consider the needs of our customers, operational safety and impacts on society and the environment, in a sustainable and economical way.

    We have 22 registered patents and more than 25 technology, innovation and sustainability awards, based on the concept of circular economy, with a focus on reducing carbon emissions. Our history and successful cases have demonstrated the excellence in services and the capacity of the Company's researchers and managers.

    The RD&I area meets internal strategies, developing products that prioritize alternatives that can generate value and positively impact our ESG performance. Many of the projects are presented in a business plan format with the purpose of inserting sustainable products or connections (green bonds) into the economy.

    Highlights of its major innovations include Ecosolo®, a soil conditioner produced from organic waste, and Ecobase®, a product developed from mineral waste produced by the pulp and paper industry that is used as a foundation for highways and in cementitious materials for building and construction, as well as Collagen, a soap based on collagen from the pharmaceutical industry.

    Combining our innovation projects we are also promoting the recovery of degraded areas by planting native tree species through an activated bio-capsule technology.

    Eco-alcohol filling station: Our patented eco-friendly alcohol production technology based on waste from the food and beverages industry and from port sweeping activities involving the transportation and storage of sugar at ports and warehouses in the state of São Paulo has delivered positive results in the production of 70% alcohol for cleaning and sanitation applications.

    The increase in fuel demand enabled us to develop in innovative project for storing and distributing ethanol to our internal fleet of passenger cars that we call the “EcoAlcohol” Filling Station, which will be built at our Operating Complex in Nova Odessa, São Paulo. The filling station follows the same structural and aesthetic cues as conventional ones, with electronic pumps, storage tanks, a billing system, lettering, and fueling, washing and tire-filling spots. With this structure, we will be able to supply approximately 2,000 liters per day of ethanol produced from waste, providing an environmental and economic benefit by reducing fueling costs and generating carbon credits by this method.

    Another Ambipar innovation was the development of EcoTurfa from the leather byproducts of tanneries. The main features of the product are its high absorption of petroleum products, oils and hydrocarbons and its nonleaching power, which provides better cleaning conditions and control of undesirable contaminants.

    Ambipar carries out a series of internal initiatives to preserve the environment.

  • We are a Zero Landfill company. This means that all waste generated at the headquarters in Nova Odessa-SP is valued and nothing is sent to landfills;
  • From a biocomposter, the leftover food from the company's restaurant is transformed into a treated liquid;
  • The investments also include the installation of solar panels capable of generating clean energy for the entire operation;
  • A rainwater reuse system was implemented, which generates savings of 1,500 liters of water per year. The collected rainwater is used to supply water trucks used in emergencies, in addition to cleaning vehicles, machinery and irrigation of Ambipar's green areas.
  • We operate in environmental solutions under the principles of circular economy by reincorporating waste into production processes, reducing the use of natural resources and financial costs. In this way, we focus on business continuity and subsidize customers to improve their ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) indicators.

    A genuinely ESG company: in recognition, Ambipar was awarded by Exame magazine at the Guide Best in ESG regarding to the Years 2021 and 2022 in the sanitation and environment category as one of the best in responsible, sustainable businesses, promoting the return of discarded materials to the production chain.

    Two projects stand out and attest to the viability of the circular economy and contemplate the concept of reuse of industrial waste:

  • Ecobase®
  • Made from mineral waste from the paper and cellulose industry that would be destined for landfill. The product can be used in the production of cementitious artifacts for civil construction, serving as a sub-base for rural roads. The product, which has quality certification in resistance, positively impacts the environment and society, in view of the reduction in the exploitation of mineral resources; decreases the generation of dust that impacts the health of the surrounding population; it allows the permeabilization of water to the soil, investments in public infrastructure and social projects, among others. From an economic point of view, it contributes to improving the productivity of industries (vehicle traffic) and reduces costs with road maintenance.

  • Ecoground®
  • Organic fertilizer, also made from waste from the pulp and paper industry. The result is a soil conditioner, already registered with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), having received certification from IBD, the largest certifier of organic and sustainable products in Latin America, and Brazil. A wide-ranging international certification work for this product in agriculture was started, to generate carbon credits with rural producers.

    With several patents registered for sustainable products, we promote the circular economy and assist companies with the correct disposal of their waste. In addition to Ecobase® and Ecoground®, the Collage Soap stands out, made from collagen from the remnants of the production of medicine and vitamin capsules; Eco-alcohol, produced from sugar and grain residues, such as corn and soybeans; and N95 masks made from PET bottles, in partnership with specialized textile industries.

    Strategic acquisitions for the circular economy platform

    In the second quarter of 2021, Ambipar acquired Boomera, a benchmark reverse logistics and circular economy company that develops projects to process plastic waste from coops into high-performance recycled plastic resins at scale.

    Boomera Ambipar is also at work processing laminated packaging materials that are hard to recycle (sachets for spices, tomato sauces and other condiments) into household utensils featuring special design and extended useful life. In 2021, in partnership with Dow and Fundação Avina, Boomera Ambipar developed Project Transformative Recycling, which recovered more than 4,000 tons of recycled material.

    To supplement to the post-consumption business, we acquired Drypol, a company specializing in producing recycled PET packaging materials, and Triciclo, a creator of technology solutions for reverse logistics of solid waste. In 2021, Ambipar Triciclo, using its digital eco-points located in 11 states in the Southeast, North and Midwest regions of Brazil, collected over 20 million packaging products, with 140,000 kilograms of recycled material (including plastic, aluminum, milk cartons, steel, glass and others). The planning for 2022 contemplates all capital in the Northeast and South of Brazil.

    An app for individuals to offset their carbon emissions

    With the goal of connecting people to a greener economy, in 2021 we launched Ambify. The purpose of the platform is to have people know their carbon footprint and understand the best ways of offsetting it according to their daily, weekly, monthly or annual habits.

    The platform uses blockchain to impart security and transparency to user transactions. Another advantage to having Ambify blockchain-based is the assurance of you can use fractional carbon credit, enabling you to offset any action you take in your day-to-day life. In addition, blockchain shows that all offset carbon credits were removed from the market, making it clear that they will not be traded again.

    Ambify will set aside a percentage of all offsetting for one of its partner institutions: Instituto Jô Clemente (formerly APAE in São Paulo), Doctors without Borders and Instituto Luz Alliance. The beneficiary is chosen by the user at no additional cost.

    Know More

    O equipamento transforma sobras de alimentos do nosso restaurante em um composto líquido rico em nutrientes, e foi instalado para atender a nossa "Política de Aterro Zero".

    One of the underpinnings of our sustainability policy is the use of clean energy generated from renewable sources, focused on improving our operational eco-efficiency.

    Solar panels

    That was why we started in 2021 to use solar panels at the Nova Odessa Operating Complex, in the state of São Paulo, and at the Aracruz Waste Treatment Center (CTR) to generate photovoltaic energy.

    Eletric Cars

    We implemented a 100% electric car to be used in the operations of one of our customers. Ambipar's service provider team will use the most sustainable vehicle, with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. The pilot project will study the car's performance to assess the feasibility of implementing electric vehicles in all operations. The action is part of Ambipar's zero carbon project, which provides for a series of actions in favor of the environment and against climate change.

    Run on Ethanol Program

    In 2021, we carried on with our “Run on Ethanol” campaign to raise awareness in the population of the benefits of using fuel ethanol— including an up to 90% cut in carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere were used as a substitute for gasoline (according to the Renovabio program of the Ministry of Mines and Energy). The goal is to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. According to the best practices in place at Ambipar, we are already required to fuel our fleet of light vehicles with ethanol. The Company calculates that for every 100,000 liters of gasoline replaced with ethanol, there is a 166.98-ton cut in CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

    Our commitment to the sustainable development of our communities involves actions designed to promote people’s health and well-being, reduce social inequalities and improve working conditions. We contributed to that development not only through our own initiatives, but also by designing partnerships and supporting projects and campaigns carried out by our customers in their own communities.

    Every year, packs of essential basic food are donated to city halls, entities, as well as environment disinfection services and waterproof coveralls for health professionals in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic.

    We reinforced our strategies and actions focused on social issues, through communication campaigns with society, published on our blog, website and on our social networks. We also have a YouTube channel to reinforce awareness actions on socio-environmental responsibility and information related to the circular economy, reverse manufacturing, sustainability, among others.

    Ambipar has Human Resources and Diversity policies that strengthen its commitment to gender and salary equality, and also repudiates any act of discrimination or any conduct that violates Human Rights.

    The Code of Conduct and Compliance focuses on respect for human rights, with the aim of combating corruption and fraud. Its scope is to foresee and avoid situations that may lead to a breach of conduct, in addition to assessing and dealing with any denunciations.

    100% of employees are trained in the security and compliance requirement, which deals with anti-corruption and discrimination policy. In places where the ordinance is outsourced (14.28% of the units), 100% of the teams receive the same training.

    ESG aspects are horizontally present in our business, spread across our value chain, and are an integral part of our strategies, which is why we have become institutional supporters of the UN Global Compact, the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world, and we formally assumed the commitment to contribute to the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

    With the action, we formally assumed our commitment to good governance and sustainability practices (ESG), inserting them into the day-to-day operations and investment decisions.

    Saiba mais

    We support several institutions to reinforce strategies and actions aimed at social issues. We are aware of the challenges we face ahead, with a view to also contributing to the development of our sector. Thus, we actively participate in a series of entities that operate on issues that are essential to our business. Including:

  • Brazilian Chemical Industry Association (Abiquim);
  • Brazilian Association of Alkali, Chlorine and Derivatives Industries (Abiclor);
  • Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - Brazilian Committee on Transport and Traffic (ABNT / CB-10 / CB-16 / CB-24);
  • Brazilian Association for the Prevention and Control of Environmental Emergencies (ABPCEA);
  • Brazilian Transport and Logistics Association of Dangerous Products (ABTLP);
  • Regional Chemistry Council (CRQ);
  • Regional Council for Engineering and Agronomy (CREA);
  • National Fire Protection Association (NFA);
  • Ethos Institute;
  • Jô Clemente Institute (formerly APAE in São Paulo);
  • Doctors without Border;
  • Luz Alliance Institute;
  • Brazil Chapter of Conscious Capitalism;
  • Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development.
  • A partnership to protect children

    An important social aspect with which we work is aligned with our operations in logistics. We adhere to the Program na Mão Certa, an initiative of the NGO Childhood Brasil, to mobilize governments, companies and third sector organizations to tackle the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents on Brazilian highways.

    Periodically, we hold lectures with drivers, as well as providing educational materials on the Company's trucks, and we also reinforce the program's dissemination in our internal communication channels.

    From the performance within our clients' plant, we have the opportunity to participate in the social and environmental actions and campaigns structured by them. We collaborate in the collection of food and distribution of Ecoground - a compost generated from organic waste - for the Young Farmer Program, of which we are partners.

    Also, together with the client from the Pulp and Paper sector, we assist in the destination of cementitious artifact, produced with inorganic residues from the operations. The product was used to improve parks and squares, benefiting the surrounding communities.

    An important campaign carried out with customers, in this pandemic scenario, was the sending of masks and awareness material as a way to reinforce their use and daily care.

    In our day-to-day operations, we seek to promote diversity, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity and sexual orientation. For example, the theme “gender in the workforce” had, in 2020, 35% of women in management positions and 41% in management. For 2021, the Company plans to implement a program for the development and hiring of women for the technical and operational categories, thus increasing the participation of women across the board. Here, I suggest putting the testimonies of the three women that appear in the report:

    “Diversity is essential in running a company. Having different views, regardless of gender on the same topic and situation, helps to find more efficient ways. ” - Ana Santos Amorim, Operational Manager, Environment Segment.

    “I was surprised to arrive at Ambipar and find the most diverse and respectful corporate environment I have ever known. I am talking about women in high positions in the hierarchy, of a welcoming environment for the LGBTQ + group, of an environment that integrates different generations in a productive way, diverse in the racial issue. ” Camila Paes, Supply Superintendent, Corporate.

    "In addition to supporting the professional growth of women, the company has an excellent organizational atmosphere where everyone is encouraged to participate actively in strategic decisions." Patricia Suraci, Operational and Administrative Manager, Environment Segment.

    Partnership to Train Gas Utility Workers

    In cooperation with gas utility company Comgás, the largest natural gas distributor in Brazil, we are providing job training courses to foster the inclusion of women gas utility workers in the job market—a way of creating jobs while encouraging diversity in a maledominated field. The project is carried out in conjunction with Centro Paula Sousa and the My Chance Program of the São Paulo State Department of Economic Development.

    By the end of 2021, 47 new female workers had had online graduation ceremony. Ambipar hired nine of them for the team providing system repair and maintenance services to Comgás. In addition, we provided courses in regulatory standards (NRs) at its largest training center in Nova Odessa, SP, the largest in Latin America.

    We contribute to social development through our own initiatives and support in campaigns conducted by our customers, for the benefit of the communities in their areas of operation.

    With the objective of leveraging strategically in line with our business, we will consolidate social initiatives and all campaigns with the structuring of an Institute.

    We participated in the Caixa do Bem Global Campaign with the donation of a ton of food, and we also carries out occupational health and safety campaigns covering various topics having to do with non-work-related risks, such as sexually transmissible diseases, Covid-19 prevention, risks of accidents in household activities, anti-smoking and alcohol and drug abuse prevention campaigns.

    We have a risk management policy in place to specify the key guidelines and responsibilities to be observed by the Company in the process of managing the risks to which it is exposed. Accordingly, risks are properly identified and assessed, determinations as made as to the chain of priorities, the monitoring dynamic and the most effective reporting method, thereby ensuring the Company’s business continuity.

    Objectively, the Company’s risk management comprises the following steps:

    1. Defining risk appetite and setting limits to acceptable risks;
    2. Identifying risks and events;
    3. Risk assessment;
    4. Prioritization and handling;
    5. Monitoring, reporting and inquiring.

    Risk management involves analyzing operational, administrative, financial, internal and external risks and considering any social and environmental impacts and opportunities that can influence Ambipar’s business. We rate our risks into the following categories: Social and Environmental; Strategic; Financial; Legal; Regulatory and Compliance; Operational; Political; and Technological.

    Effective since 2017, our Code of Conduct and Compliance applies to employees, suppliers, representatives, service providers and business partners. Its sets out ethical and moral principles that are nonnegotiables to the Company, such as respect for human rights, diversity and inclusion, and combatting corruption, money laundering, unfair competition, child labor and compulsory labor.

    We approved in 2021 eight new policies intended to impart greater transparency and standardization to the Company’s day-to-day dynamics in Brazil and worldwide.

  • Anticorruption and Counter Money Laundering Policy;
  • Confidentiality Policy;
  • Independent Auditor Engagement Policy;
  • Diversity and Inclusion Policy Sponsorship and Donation Policy;
  • Human Resources Policy;
  • Stakeholders Relations Policy;
  • Supplier Relations Policy.
  • The Compliance team is responsible for tracking compliance with the Company’s internal policies, implementing new procedures and seek improvements in existing policies.

    We have made available to all viewers communication channels with the conduct committee: [email protected] nd an anonymous channel and ambipar.com/denuncias/, through which they can send us comments, questions or reports concerning breach of conduct. 100% of the issues reported on our channels were resolved.

    Integrity management within the Company is an essential requirement for good corporate governance, transmitting credibility and transparency to the activities carried out by Ambipar. Our Integrity Program has three main fronts: the prevention, detection, and remediation of any practices that contradict the Laws, Rules, and Internal Policies. Its main focus, but not limited to, actions related to the protection of human rights, combating corruption and fraud. Its management is exercised by the Conduct Committee, which works in conjunction with Risk Management and Internal Auditing.

    Complaints are promptly dealt with by the Conduct Committee, based on the parameters established in the current legislation and the principles established in our Code of Conduct & Compliance. With a focus, in particular, on respect for human rights, in the fight against corruption and fraud, its scope is to foresee and avoid situations that may lead to a breach of conduct, in addition to assessing and dealing with possible complaints.

    It also includes training for employees and all other stakeholders; the disclosure of the Group's Code of Conduct and its Policies; in addition to the existing reporting channels.

    There were no corruption cases or related lawsuits reported for 2021. In addition, 100% (4,710) of our business partners were advised of the anticorruption policies and procedures in place at the Company.

    To guide the management of the topic, we use the Integrated Management System (SGI) Policy, process control and analysis of operations, which results in procedures and instructions for activities. We also have incident and accident indicators and methodologies for action plans, which are constantly monitored.

    In the SGI policy there is an analysis related to Health, Workplace Safety, Environment and Quality, with guidelines for achieving the objectives set. The document has as premises: to meet the legal, contractual, and other applicable requirements, of quality, environment, safety and health at work; ensure the continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System; and promoting health and safety by preventing injuries, accidents and occupational damage.

    Our processes are mapped to find potential impacts and new improvement opportunities so that the operations and the company as a whole are increasingly more efficient. Accordingly, we should point out that all of our operations have an integrated management system (IMS) implemented and that we are seeking full certification of IMS under international standards (ISO) for quality (ISO 9001), environment (ISO 14001), occupational health and safety (ISO 45001), and emergency management (ISO 22320), as well as the Health, Safety, Environment and Quality Assessment System (SASSMAQ).

    Composto por 8 membros indicados pelo Conselho de Administração, com reconhecida experiência em assuntos relevantes para a área de sustentabilidade. O órgão tem como principal objetivo assessorar o conselho de administração nas discussões dos temas relacionados à agenda ESG. As atribuições deste Comitê são: discutir propostas para uma gestão estratégica com foco em sustentabilidade, supervisionar a qualidade e integridade dos relatórios da companhia, a aderência às normas legais, estatutárias e regulatórias e a criação de estratégias e prioridades de curto, médio e longo prazos que devem ser consideradas na tomada de decisão da companhia, considerando os aspectos de sustentabilidade no negócio.

    Gisele Bündchen é Ambipar

    Em setembro de 2021, Gisele Bündchen, que possui forte atuação na defesa do meio ambiente, tornou-se acionista, embaixadora e membro do Comitê de Sustentabilidade do Grupo. Gisele também atuará na promoção da imagem institucional da marca Ambipar e de seus produtos e serviços.


    Regenerate, mission of Ambipar

    It is no longer enough to conserve. It is necessary to regenerate the planet for future generations. Join us!

    Ambipar, Gisele and ESG

    Environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) factors are increasingly valued by investors because they represent the combination of profitability and sustainability. Talk to Ambipar and discover the most complete portfolio of ESG services.

    ESG: the three letters that are revolutionizing companies!

    ESG: Understand how these three letters are revolutionizing companies around the world and how we support our customers within these metrics! Press play!

    Sustainability Report 2021

    Check out our 2021 sustainability report with our advances on the ESG agenda and everything we do to preserve the world, today, and for future generations.

    Ambipar Sustainability Report 2023 Download

    Sustainability Report previous years

    Sustainability Report 2022, click here.

    Sustainability Report 2021, click here.

    Sustainability Report 2020, click here.

    Version of the 2020 Sustainability Report for people with special needs (download the epu2 file), click here.