Our rapid Marine Response service contains, minimises, and swiftly repairs environmental damage caused by oil spills of all sizes in USA ports and harbours. Ambipar Response ensures the restoration of coastlines, lessening both short- and long-term impact. 

Our Value

  • Ambipar are also an approved reseller of the Harbo boom system, best suited for rapid deployment in ports and harbours.
  • We are accredited by the International Spill Accreditation Scheme (ISAS) under the USA MCA’s National Standard for Marine Oil Spill Response Organisations. 

Ports & Harbours/Oil handling facilities who

  • Have an annual turnover of over £1 million. 
  • Offering berths, on buoys or at anchor, to ships of over 400 GT or oil tankers of over 150 GT.
  • Are involve a significant risk of discharge of over 10 tonnes of oil and has been served notice from the secretary of state. 
  • Received notice that it is in an area of significant environmental sensitivity.
  • or in an area where a discharge of oil or other substances could cause significant economic damage.

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