In addition to the ESG Program (DE FACT), a series of lives that happen for seasons, to talk about the ESG universe.

By Writing Team
Posted in July 6, 2022

Looking to improve the ESG agenda in companies, Ambipar Verde Ghaia, acquired by Ambipar group since 2020, offers ESG compliance, governance, strategy and communication services to promote better social, environmental and governance performance of its clients.

To this end, it developed the ESG Program so that companies can mitigate risks linked to the ESG agenda and take advantage of opportunities arising from greater access to capital markets, product and service development and process improvement/cost reduction.

In addition to the ESG Program (DE FACT), a series of lives that happen for seasons, to talk about the ESG universe. At each episode, an expert is invited to comment on the topic discussed and reinforce the actions carried out within the Ambipar group.

Discover the ESG Program in practice

  1. Diagnosis

The process begins with a diagnosis to understand the situation of the company. In addition to the data, benchmarking is carried out to compare the company (customer) with other competitors or even YOUR OWN customers.

  1. Strategic Objectives and Stakeholders

Once the diagnosis is ready, now is the time to identify the priority sustainable development objectives for the client’s performance and collect stakeholder perceptions about the organization’s ESG aspects and EVERYONE’s strategic challenges.

By mapping needs and expectations, companies can build value creation strategies for all their audiences. In other words, where are the problems, difficulties, gaps and who are the audiences related to the business, that is, who are the customers, the most important, the advanced ones, partners, representatives, prominent people (stakeholders), who are related with the company to generate value.

  1. Materiality Matrix

From this understanding of the company, the sector and who the stakeholders are, stakeholders are heard (interview or survey). Basically, we try to understand what is relevant for the company within the ESG agenda and what is interesting for stakeholders within the same agenda.

VG together with the client establishes the EESG (+ economic) priority themes for the client, in a corporate perspective. The company manages to have an individualized view of the needs and expectations of stakeholders inside and outside the company, to offer a specific view of “customer-suppliers”, giving greater concreteness to the sustainability priorities of each area within the company, which guides the strategy of their performance.

After that, a comparative analysis (strategic materiality) is carried out, Ambipar VG’s differential service, which builds the materiality matrix, comparing the views of the public inside and outside the company, as well as the ability to work on these themes, strategically.

More than understanding the priorities of the customers as a whole, Ambipar VG manages to guide the performance within the company, such as: what should be the topic of attention for the commercial, supplies, financial.

Another detail is that Ambipar makes these themes part of the companies’ strategy.

  1. Information report for stakeholders

Normally, when the client asks to listen to stakeholders, he is already interested in producing a report for the market.

The report has three functions:

  1. Communication piece – passes on to the stakeholders what stage the company is in, the challenges and commitments;
  2. Management support function – since Ambipar VG already has the basic input to develop a management system, software, according to each situation, comes in to help.
  3. Stakeholder engagement promotion function – After having the dimension of what stakeholders are expecting from the client and the report contains all the information, the report becomes the basis for effective and continuous communication to generate engagement and, consequently, value.

*Relationship + purpose = engagement.

5. Implementation of legal compliance

After producing the report, with the company’s gaps and points for improvement, Ambipar VG enters with the software to put into action and set up a Management program aligned to the business and stakeholders.

Compliance Program

Ambipar VG’s compliance program meets all required standards, such as: tax, labor, accounting, anti-bribery and anti-corruption, in addition to the obligations that are linked to the operation of the company (client).

In practice: When an organization meets, for example, the environmental requirements for the implementation of an ISO certification, it is automatically meeting a specific item in its compliance program.

  1. Management improvement plan

Expectations and needs > risks and opportunities for the business > definition of priorities and strategic objectives.

An online consultancy is carried out, with the central pillars for measuring the sustainability and social impact of the business that help to determine the financial performance and commitment of companies, in line with ESG practices.

Below, the corporate, strategic and financial risk control tools.

GRC / Licenses / Gaia / PRSSO / TDNC

  1. Indicators, goals and qualification

The Ambipar VG team is qualified in ESG and ready to better meet the needs of each client. The definition of goals is more robust, aligned with the expectations of stakeholders, including customers, investors and creditors.

Indicator management: Sogi is used, customized and programmed indicators for the company. They are: ISE B3, GRI, Global Compact, ODS, IIRC and other international standards.


  1. Audits and action plans

It is at this stage that the rate of compliance with legal requirements is evaluated, enabling the organization to identify the focuses where it needs to act (non-conformities) and manage efforts and resources based on established priorities, according to the legal risk methodology.

Ensure continuous improvement/PDCA cycle.
