Environmental Regression
IstoÉ Dinheiro by Lana Pinheiro – 06/07/2023
How consumers can choose sustainable services and products.
Green certifications provide and track clear and transparent information about the environmental performance of processes and services.
Companies create protocols to reduce emissions and comply with the agreement
Valor Econômico, from Curitiba, by Marli Lima Iacomini – 06/05/2023
What makes a Certification Reliable?
A reliable green certification should have clear, consistent, and evidence-based certification criteria.
Ambipar is awarded for the 'Sustainable Biocapsules' reforestation project
Environmental Challenge – 05/30/2023
Sustainable Biocapsules Project is awarded for transforming waste into trees
Revista Meio Ambiente Industrial by Sofia Jucon – RMAI – 05/29/2023