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Workshop “Climate Integrity of the Voluntary Market” aims to promote the qualification of the Brazilian business sector on the voluntary carbon market

By Writing Team
Posted in August 1, 2022

Ambipar, in partnership with the Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS), held on July 26 the third edition of the workshop “Climate Integrity of the Voluntary Market” which aims to promote the qualification of the Brazilian business sector for voluntary carbon market, as well as strengthening the sector’s transactions so that they take place within existing standards of environmental integrity and additionality. With extensive knowledge regarding the carbon market, executives from Ambipar Group, Biofílica Ambipar Environment and Ambipar VG enhance the discussion during these days.

After the stages that took place in the last two months, the event returned online, with the theme: “Understanding international and national certification standards”. In this edition, the meeting seeks to present the existing certification standards in the voluntary carbon market, highlighting the similarities and differentiation of operating mechanisms, as well as their scope and categories. With the intention of promoting knowledge of the established standards, the business community will be able to strengthen itself and better direct its strategy to the slowdown of global warming.

Low Carbon Economy

“Distinguishing certification standards means understanding how the process of validation and verification of carbon credits works. In other words, companies will have support to align the mapping of their emissions, linked to their own principles and results of the search for environmental preservation”, declares Bianca Ayres, Executive Director of Carbon Initiatives at Ambipar Group.

For Annie Groth, Head of Advocacy at Biofílica Ambipar, “the main role of certifiers is to bring a common language to carbon projects. If we all speak the same “language”, in terms of the scientific steps implemented for the development of projects, we can ensure that the same standard of quality and transparency has been applied to each project and, consequently, to each carbon credit on the market” – highlights. Biofílica Ambipar Environment also develops its own carbon projects.

Stephen Donofrio, Director of Ecosystem Marketplace, a non-profit organization that provides information for the valuation and financing of ecosystem services, confirmed the participation of Stephen Donofrio for this stage of the workshop. The spokesperson’s collaboration consolidates the importance and reference that the companies of the Ambipar Group are demonstrating in the carbon market as a whole, as it promotes international attention to a topic discussed daily in the companies’ activities.

Due to the restricted participation of CEBDS members in the workshops, on October 25th, a public session will be held to disclose the technical note about the event, which will present, in an impartial way, the voluntary market standards, comparing initiatives, volumes of movement of credits, trends in corporate management mechanisms and cases of associated companies. Such content, built together with the audience of the meeting, will be used as a database for consultation for decision-making in planning the decarbonization of the Brazilian economy.

“We had a significant participation of companies in our meetings and this is very gratifying for us. We are increasingly aware of the market’s interest in carbon initiatives and working with CEBDS is a way for us to bring more clarity and transparency to the voluntary carbon market as a whole” – concludes Luisa Cotrim, market specialist at Biofílica Ambipar Environment.

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