Leader in Environmental Management, Ambipar started to operate in the Disinfection of Onshore and Offshore Vessels

By Writing Team
Posted in April 25, 2023

Ambipar is the leader in Environmental Management and started to act in the fight against Covid-19 through the Onshore and Offshore Vessel Disinfection service.

To carry out this type of service, we carry out a preventive biological disinfection and containment protocol for contaminated maritime units, allowing the vessel to return to operation quickly and safely.


Between March and May 2020, the company carried out decontamination at 78 maritime units, allowing the safe resumption of operations on vessels under lockdown.

Applied methodology in Vessel Disinfection

Our methodology allows customizing solutions for each client in the ship decontamination service. After the release of each vessel by the Brazilian health authorities, the lessons learned are applied to the bio-disinfection processes as part of our continuous improvement process.

limpeza de tanques offshore
Disinfection of Ships and Vessels

Stages of the Vessel Disinfection service

Before carrying out the decontamination of vessels, our team begins a technical analysis, asking the client for the ship’s design for a prior study of the movement plan for the crew and other workers of the Maritime Unit and blocked locations for carrying out the disinfection of vessels.

Based on that, we carried out the operational procedure, in which we met with the captain to map the ship and define a ship decontamination work plan.

In this stage of the vessel disinfection service, we also isolate some areas with the Captain to prevent circulation, we remove garbage and objects that make cleaning difficult to carry out the internal disinfection of the entire ship with a chemical solution using a sprayer, as well as the manual disinfection with chemical solution using cloths with different colors.

Then, we focused on the management of waste generated, separating them including disposable PPE in plastic bags to receive the correct destination and finally we issue the AFE-ANVISA certificate of disinfection of vessels.

It is worth mentioning that, when there is a suspected and/or confirmed case of contamination on board, the waste will be disposed of as Group A with companies licensed for this activity and the manifests and CDF will be delivered within 15 days after destination.

We have established procedures for the decontamination of vessels belonging to maritime units in general, be they ships, platforms, FSO and FPSO, whose objective is to prevent infections caused by COVID-19.

The importance of disinfecting vessels

In the disinfection of vessels, we use a product certified by ANVISA called Hydrogen Peroxide, capable of enhancing bactericidal action on a wide spectrum of microorganisms, without leaving odors and residues of chemical compounds on ships.

When applied through the nebulization of environments, a protective layer is created capable of eliminating fungi, mites and bacteria, thus preventing proliferation in the environment. Faced with such importance, the disinfection of vessels becomes essential for the safety and well-being of all customers and employees.

The entire vessel disinfection process is carried out by our fully trained and qualified team. Remembering that through this type of service it is possible to guarantee greater microbiological control and thus avoid bringing several serious consequences to the vessel’s crew.

With the decontamination of ships, viruses, bacteria, fungi, and various other beings are eliminated, thus ensuring a safer environment.

Our experience and training in biohazard situations allow us to promote safe practices for the prevention of infections in work environments in the disinfection of vessels.

Aligned with the recommendations of ANVISA and the Ministry of Health, C-Tank has developed preventive protocols for cleaning and disinfecting vessels to respond to all types of contagions of infectious diseases, including COVID-19.

Want to know more about vessel disinfection?

Get in touch with our team, clear your doubts about our service and guarantee the total safety of your vessel.
