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Ecosolo: Agricultura Regenerativa com Carbono no Solo

The first step in neutralizing an organization’s carbon footprint is mapping the sources of emissions to reduce what is possible and neutralize the rest. To be a carbon neutral company, three steps must be taken:

  • GHG measurement
  • Reduction of these emissions
  • Define the neutralization strategy.

Emissions are calculated using a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory (GHG), a tool for quantifying emissions and assessing the carbon footprint of a company’s operations on the environment. The Brazilian GHG Protocol Program, an initiative of Fundação Getúlio Vargas, provides information and a tool for the calculation.

Ambipar created a specific methodology for this mapping, the CO₂ Calculator for PJ. You can access our CO₂ Calculator page for Legal Entities here.

Also see our Carbon Z app! Download now our app to calculate your organization’s emissions.

Carbon z

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