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Contributing to companies and society to become sustainable, preserving the world for future generations.



Being renowned as a global reference in integrated environmental solutions, focusing on the client.



Believing and making it happen. Entrepreneurship, professionalism, innovation, and sustainability.

We are a Brazilian multinational specialist in environmental solutions, crisis management and emergency response that respects the compliance rules and socio-environmental responsibility, valuing ethics and prompt response to our customer’s demands.

We have knowledge and experience to reduce the environmental and social impacts, offering intelligent services and expertise to our customers, and together overcome the challenges of sustainability. After all, for us, sustainability is not just a speech, it is our day by day.



First environmental management company to join B3, we are leaders in environmental management in Brazil and work in alignment with ESG indicators.


Our social commitment is experienced every day by employees. We value an attractive, diverse and inclusive work environment.


A corporate governance model fully structured and aligned with compliance, with practices guided by ethical and transparent conduct.


Learn about our main actions in the Environmental pillar

Environment Carbon Emissions Inovation Internal Initiatives Circular Economy Ambify Renewable energy

Learn about our main actions in the Governance pillar

Risk management Conduct & Compliance Ethical Integrity SGI


The commitment to the environment is in our DNA. Since the foundation, we have helped to preserve the world for future generations.


Carbon Emissions

We are mobilizing ourselves through actions that reinforce our commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. We need to come together to take care of the planet..



Research, development and innovation with a focus on circular economy is one of our main pillars that assist customers in meeting ESG indicators..


Internal initiatives

Water is one of nature's most important resources and, knowing this, we carry out reuse and saving actions to preserve it. After all, water is a source of life..


Circular Economy

The circular economy is the focus of our business. Reincorporating waste into the production chain means acting in line with our purposes.



Do you know how much carbon dioxide emits in the atmosphere in your day-to-day? We made an app that does this calculation for you and also helps you to neutralize your emissions.


Renewable energy

We implemented an electric car at one of our customers' units as a pilot project to reduce emissions and promote low carbon savings.



Our social commitment reaches underprivileged communities, entities and support for institutions that need help in difficult times.


Human rights

Human rights must be respected by everyone! For this reason, our policies are fully aligned with good practices and preserve the human rights of all.


Global Compact

We are a signatory company to the UN Global Compact and are committed to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.


Support to Institutions

The support for institutions reinforces our commitment to actions aimed at socioenvironmental issues.


Social initiatives and campaigns

We believe that people's awareness is important for more sustainable practices to be put into practice.


Na Mão Certa

We adopted the initiative of the NGO Childhood Brasil to protect children and adolescents from sexual exploitation on Brazilian highways.


Partnership with clients

We unite with our clients in socio-environmental actions to, together, preserve the world for future generations.


Women in Leadership

Our women are seen, admired, recognized and synonymous with inspiration. We breathe diversity at Ambipar.


Risk management

Managing risks means taking care of business and transmitting security to customers, employees, suppliers, partners and investors.


Conduct & Compliance

We set standards to ensure the company's ethical standards and to ensure that all processes are in compliance.


Ethical Integrity

Corporate governance has the essential requirement of integrity management, with a focus on credibility, transparency and compliance.



The Integrated Management Policy (SGI) controls processes and analyzes the activities of operations so that everything is in compliance with the law.



The Integrated Management Policy (SGI) controls processes and analyzes the activities of operations so that everything is in compliance with the law.


Environmental preservation and regeneration are in our DNA. We undertake a series of actions that promote socio-environmental issues, not only internally but also for businesses and society as a whole.

Our commitment to the environment is intrinsic to our business, as evidenced by our focus on environmental solutions, intensified with the approval of our Sustainability Policy by the Board of Directors (CA), which outlines management guidelines for ESG aspects.

As recognition of the significant importance of the work we have undertaken in recent years, we are part of the 2022 Business Sustainability Index (ISE B3) portfolio, ranking among the top 10 companies in the portfolio. This demonstrates our dedication to developing increasingly sustainable and responsible businesses.

We also work to support the UN's goals and its partners in Brazil to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Through our Environmental Management System (EMS), we implement procedures to manage the environmental risks and impacts of our facilities and activities, aiming to incorporate sustainability best practices at every stage of our operations.

Our initiatives stand out for aligning environmental preservation with the reduction of climate change impacts. We are investing in:

  • Carbon neutrality in Ambipar Response emergency responses;
  • Creation of Environmental / ESG Solutions Platforms;
  • Generation of carbon credits through the valorization of waste under circular economy and low-carbon concepts;
  • Guia Exame Best ESG Award - Best Company of the Year;
  • Institutional supporting company of the Global Compact Brazil Network and Ambassador of the Circular Connection (SDG 12) and NET Zero Ambition (SDG 13) movements;
  • 7th highest-rated company in the 2022 ISE B3 portfolio;
  • Establishment of the Regenerate Hub to accelerate the Group's global purpose;
  • Upgrade in the assessment of CDP Climate Change, from Level C to B;
  • +1.65 million tons of waste valorized;
  • Development of the 3rd greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory, the first for the entire Group, including international operations;
  • 3.3 million tCO2e emissions sequestered annually by Biofílica projects;
  • 2 million hectares of preserved forest with REDD+ projects in the Amazon;
  • Creation of a platform for Circular Economy solutions;
  • 24 registered patents and numerous awards;
  • Combination of Ambipar Response business with HPX;
  • Ambipar USA partnership with TTC, the world's largest emergency training facility;
  • Ambify, a carbon offset platform for individuals;
  • In addition to activities such as generating electricity from photovoltaic panels, water reuse, rainwater harvesting, maintenance of areas of Atlantic Forest Reserve exclusively for environmental conservation, composting, and the use of electric vehicles in our operations.

Environmental Logistics

With a complete operational structure, Ambipar has the expertise to transport and provide logistics for dangerous bulk and packaged loads, with units strategically distributed in Brazil and the Mercosur region.

Ambipar Logistics has the main safety, quality, and environmental certifications (SASSMAQ, Together for Sustainability - TfS, Atuação Responsável (Responsible Operations) and is associated with the most important bodies and entities in the transportation segment.

With the Sustainable Corridor Project, partnering with our customers, we seek to replace our energy matrix for transportation with less polluting fuel sources, reducing CO2 emissions. Ambipar’s goal is to have 100% of the fleet using renewable fuel sources by 2040.

Combatting Climate Change

We are committed to addressing climate change by adopting strategies for adaptation and mitigation of impacts on our businesses and value chain.

Due to the nature of our activities, we contribute to:

  • Valorization processes of waste, creating products associated with carbon emissions reduction, such as Ecosolo®;
  • Recycling or reusing waste as raw materials (Circular Economy / Reverse Logistics);
  • Replacing fossil-based energy sources with fuels from our co-processing plants;
  • Nature-based solutions to protect, manage, and sustainably restore natural ecosystems with intelligent management practices aimed at reducing/removing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.


Reducing environmental impact is at the core of our services. Therefore, implementing and monitoring greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction and offset programs in the service lifecycle, including transportation, logistics, and energy generation from waste, is part of our business strategy and our collaboration with Ambipar's clients.

In the company's first emission inventory in 2020, we identified that 91.23% of our emissions were associated with the two Waste Treatment Centers (WTC) that provide final waste disposal. In our quest to reduce these 189,836.90 tons of CO2 equivalent (tCO2e), we investigated the root cause: emissions are estimated based on the composition of the disposed waste and its operational mode. In 2020, emissions were estimated using average values for the composition profile of Brazilian waste, based on updated data from ABRELPE, the Brazilian Association of Public Cleaning and Special Waste Companies.

As a first step, we applied the methodology to define waste composition. In 2021, with gravimetric analysis of the waste, we corrected the percentage of organic matter in the composition profile, bringing emission estimates closer to reality. With this correction, emissions from WTCs in the 2020 inventory decreased to 110,555.80 tCO2e, representing 85.84% of GHG emissions for the year. In 2021, GHG emissions from WTCs were 114,512.51 tCO2e, representing 81.31% of Scope 1 emissions.

We are evaluating the technical and financial feasibility of energy recovery technologies for waste disposal in landfills, aiming at energy and/or biomethane generation. In 2023, we initiated the installation of flares in one of our WTCs to reduce GHG emissions.

Expanded Purpose

As part of our carbon business strategy, we acquired Biofílica, a Brazilian company focused on conserving native forests through the sale of carbon credits and legal reserve compensation. In 2021, we generated carbon credits in three REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) forest conservation projects in the Amazon, covering approximately 1.2 million hectares of monitored forest. In 2022, 3.3 million tCO2e emissions were sequestered in projects developed by Biofílica Ambipar in the Amazon, covering an area of 2 million hectares;


Ambipar enables Net Zero routes for customers with a complete portfolio of decarbonization solutions. We work towards reducing emissions from production processes in various sectors and enable the offsetting of emissions that still can´t be reduced in the production process, using Nature-Based Solutions (SBN) that generate carbon credits.

Carbon credits: Solutions for companies, people, government, and other entities to offset greenhouse gas emissions that could not be avoided or reduced in their operations, through the purchase of carbon credits - generated in forest conservation projects REDD+ (Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) and forest restoration ARR (Afforestation, Reforestation, and Revegetation). Each carbon credit represents 1 ton of carbon dioxide (tCO2e).

This credit is also offered on the Ambify platform. ABFY is an app that allows individuals to calculate and offset their carbon footprint with certified credits (ABFY token).

We believe that innovation is the path to a more sustainable future and essential for promoting the efficient use of resources. Therefore, we maintain a Research, Development, and Innovation (R&D) Center within our structure, conducting studies and research in a modern laboratory with trained professionals. Our goal is to develop solutions that address the key challenges for achieving a circular and low-carbon economy. These projects translate into sustainability plans that support the development of business models aligned with the Agenda 2030.

We hold several registered patents and have received awards in technology, innovation, and sustainability, guided by the concept of the circular economy, with a focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Our history and success stories demonstrate the excellence in services and the capability of the company's researchers and managers.

Among the main innovations are Ecosolo®, a soil conditioner produced from the composting of industrial organic waste, Ecobase®, a product developed from mineral waste from the pulp and paper industry used as a base for roads and cementitious artifacts in construction, and Collagen®, a soap developed based on collagen waste from the pharmaceutical industry.

By combining our innovation projects, we are also promoting the recovery of degraded areas through the planting of native trees using activated biocapsules technology.

Ecoálcool: our patented technology for the production of ecological alcohol from waste generated by the food and beverage industries and port sweeping (sugar residues) has yielded positive results in the production of 70% alcohol for cleaning and hygiene purposes.

The increased quantity of waste from the beverage and port sweeping industries allowed us to develop an innovative project for the production, storage, and distribution of second-generation ethanol for our internal fleet of light vehicles through the "Ambiálcool" station, which will be built at our Operations Complex in Nova Odessa, São Paulo. The station will have the capacity to supply 2,000 liters of ethanol per day, generating both environmental and economic benefits.

Another Ambipar innovation is the development of EcoTurfa using leather by-products from tannery industries. This product is characterized by its high absorption rate of petroleum derivatives, oils, hydrocarbons, and non-leaching properties, allowing for better cleaning and control of undesirable contaminants.

Partnerships for Circular Economy Expansion

Ambipar and DOW, the world’s leading materials science company, are partnering to take an important step towards closing the plastic cycle, enabling technologies for plastic reuse, and delivering an actual circular economy, with a focus on developing new solutions and involving all stakeholders in the plastic packaging chain.

Intellectual Property

Ambipar invests in new technologies and the development of innovative solutions. The Group has intellectual property through software, platforms, and certification programs developed to assist our customers in their ESG Agendas, management systems, and the achievement of sustainability goals

Best environmental practices and efforts to enhance our Environmental Capital are strongly present in day-to-day operations at Ambipar. And they are still replicable to our customers, building a chain of positive sustainable impacts.

  • In addition to forests for carbon offsetting, Ambipar maintains an Atlantic Forest reserve area, exclusively for environmental conservation;
  • Investments also include the installation of photovoltaic panels for clean energy generation in the Nova Odessa Operating Complex, in the Aracruz unit (ES), and at one of our operations in Belo Horizonte (MG);
  • All of the waste generated at the Nova Odessa-SP operational complex is repurposed, reaching the zero-landfill concept.

Water Management

Ambipar's facilities, especially at the Nova Odessa Operations Complex (SP), have systems aimed at minimizing the environmental impact of water intake, consumption, and discharge. In addition to Nova Odessa, three other units in the southeast region of Brazil have rainwater collection systems.

  • Water Trucks - In Nova Odessa, part of the rainwater collection is used to supply the water trucks working during environmental emergencies;
  • Vehicle Cleaning - We have developed a method to reduce the amount of washing required and the volume of water consumed to clean our vehicles, reducing water consumption;
  • Green Area Irrigation - – We use the rainwater collected to irrigate the gardens and Eco Horta at the Operational Complex.

We operate with environmental solutions based on the principles of the circular economy by reintegrating waste into production processes, reducing the use of natural resources and financial costs. In this way, we focus on the longevity of the business and provide support to clients in improving their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) indicators.

A genuinely ESG company: In recognition of our efforts, Ambipar was awarded by Exame Guia Melhores do ESG (ESG Best Guide) in 2021 and 2022 in the category of sanitation and the environment as one of the best companies in responsible and sustainable business practices, promoting the reintegration of discarded materials into the production chain.

The circular economy is an economic model that presents a new way of thinking, planning, producing, and consuming, combining economic development with new production and management technologies, to maximize the efficiency of processes and minimize the use of non-renewable natural resources, generating less waste and environmental impacts. To this end, we must incorporate processes and practices that enable the reuse, repurposing, and recycling of materials and products. An approach that involves the entire production chain, from ecodesign to recycling operations, making it more integrated and collaborative, promoting the use of waste from one activity as inputs for another. This is how we can transition from a linear production and consumption model, based on the extraction of natural resources, production, consumption, and disposal of waste, to a circular and regenerative model, which promotes economic, social, and environmental sustainability.

Based on our preservation and regeneration purpose and the need to reduce GHG emissions - following the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS)1- we created our Circular Economy platform focused on post-consumption and post-industrial waste for the main recyclable materials.


  • Bottles - – Using a sterilization process for reuse, we reintroduce bottles that have already been used (post-consumption) into the market, which enables reuse up to 20 times, preventing them from being broken or discarded at landfills.
  • Glass Fragments - Waste from food packaging (such as the bottles in the previous item, after reuse), construction, the automotive industry, or any other origins, including post-consumption and post-industrial are collected, processed, and reintroduced into the glass industry as recycled raw material.


  • HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) - Commonly used in packaging manufacturing, HDPE is considered a more sustainable type of plastic compared to other types, as it is easily recyclable and can be transformed into new products after its useful life is complete. Ambipar is a manufacturing industry that offers highperformance reusable resins and polyethylene films for diverse applications.
  • PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) - Our industry works with the repurposing of such packages, transforming them into preforms to be used in new products, especially for cleaning supplies.

Paper, Cardboard, and Pulp

After processing, these materials are reinserted into the paper industry to be transformed into products such as boxes, toilet paper, notebooks, and various other items.

Metal Scrap

Ferrous and aluminum materials are reinserted into the steel industry as raw materials for steel production, reducing the demand for natural resource extraction and increasing energy efficiency throughout the chain, which contributes to the reduction of GHG emissions.

Our Circular Economy platform also offers the following solutions to the market:

Post-Consumer Packaging Collection Machines

Solutions for the collection of post-consumption packaging for recycling, the collecting machines can promote reverse logistics using an innovative marketing system for loyalty and rewards (financial or gifts), to engage society and raise awareness about recycling.

Reverse Manufacturing and Brand Protection

We manage the reverse chain of pre- and post-consumption products, transforming them into by-products and raw materials that can be reintroduced into the production chain. We would like to highlight the reverse manufacturing process of electronics and unused hospital equipment, performing the disassembly and segregation into by-products, such as metal parts and materials, for example, for productive reuse, ensuring total de-characterization of the brands on the products. The entire process generates reports and certificates at the end of the process, ensuring traceability, information reliability, and the protection of our customers’ brands.

This entire process generates reports and certificates, ensuring traceability, information reliability, and brand protection for our clients.

Development of Recycling Cooperatives

Local and regional initiatives from the recycling chain, implementing the National Solid Waste Policy in municipalities and working with associations, improving governance, management and compliance processes, and production organization to gain efficiency and scale - positioning recycling professionals as social impact entrepreneurs. This work leads to an increase in recycling rates throughout Brazil.

The work carried out by the Recycling Associations reinforces the Circular Economy chain, supplying the other businesses in our platform with raw materials.

ESG Consulting

We offer consulting and advisory services for organizations that wish to adopt sustainability and corporate responsibility practices in the environmental, social, and governance areas, integrating them with other key areas of the organization such as health and safety at work, quality, and supply chain management, among others. Helping companies to identify risks and opportunities related to the ESG Agenda and achieve sustainable management, with positive impacts for all stakeholders.

Technologies for Combating Climate Change

The App for Individuals to Offset Their Carbon Emissions

With the aim of connecting people to a greener economy, in 2021, we launched Ambify. The platform's proposal is to help individuals understand their carbon footprint and find the best ways to offset it according to their habits.

The platform uses blockchain to provide security and transparency to user transactions. Another advantage of having Ambify on the blockchain is the guarantee of carbon credit fractionalization, which enables offsets for any action we take in our daily lives. Furthermore, the blockchain ensures that all carbon credits offset have been removed from the market, ensuring they will not be traded multiple times.

With each offset, Ambify allocates a percentage of the value, at no additional cost to the user, to social projects at one of its partner institutions of their choice: Instituto Jô Clemente (formerly APAE de São Paulo), Doctors Without Borders, or Instituto Luz Alliance.

Learn About Ambify

Genio Carbon

Genio Carbon is a platform for greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory management that measures emissions from processes and production chains in a simple, secure, and traceable manner. It generates practical reports indicating which and how many GHGs were produced in a specific industrial cycle or service, providing clients with the ability to analyze all emissions from their production process.

Genio Carbon is continually expanding its many other planned functionalities, such as GHG inventory-based mitigation plan management, goal monitoring, carbon footprint per product, value chain engagement, and even offsetting emissions that are still challenging to reduce through carbon credits.

O equipamento transforma sobras de alimentos do nosso restaurante em um composto líquido rico em nutrientes, e foi instalado para atender a nossa "Política de Aterro Zero".

Our sustainability policy is guided by the use of clean energy from renewable sources, with a focus on improving our operational eco-efficiency and reducing our emissions.

Solar Energy

Since 2021, photovoltaic panels have been used in the Operational Complex at Nova Odessa (SP), in the operational unit at the Waste Treatment Center (CTR) in Aracruz (ES) and Belo Horizonte (MG) for power generation. Ambipar Brasil’s selfproduction of energy in 2022 was 796,762.4 kWh.The surplus energy is used for other Ambipar operations.

Electric Car

We have made available a 100% electric car for use in the operations of one of our clients. The goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to environmental impact reduction.

The project, still in pilot scale, serves to study the car's performance to assess the feasibility of implementing electric vehicles in all operations. This action is part of Ambipar's Net-Zero goal, currently in the approval/validation phase by the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), which includes a series of actions for the environment and against climate change.

Go Ethanol Program

In 2022, we continued the "Go Ethanol" campaign to raise awareness about the benefits of using ethanol fuel – such as reducing up to 90% of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, as a replacement for gasoline (according to the Ministry of Mines and Energy's Renovabio program). The goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions contributing to climate change. Within Ambipar's best practices, ethanol is already mandatory for fueling the light vehicle fleet. The company estimates that for every 100,000 liters of gasoline replaced by ethanol, 166.98 tons of CO2 emissions are reduced in the atmosphere.

Buying Clean Energy in the Free Market

– Ambipar’s units in Manaus (AM) and Pedro Leopoldo (MG) buy 100% clean energy from renewable sources through contracts in the free market. One of the organization’s commitments for 2023 is to expand the number of units supplied with clean and renewable energy.

Our commitment to the sustainable development of communities involves actions focused on people's health and well-being, reducing social inequalities, and improving working conditions. We contribute to this development not only through our own initiatives but also by forming partnerships and supporting projects and campaigns conducted by our clients in the communities where they operate.

We reinforce our strategies and actions related to social issues through communication campaigns with society, which are published on our blog, website, and social media channels. We also have a YouTube channel to raise awareness about social and environmental responsibility, as well as information related to the circular economy, reverse manufacturing, sustainability, and emergency response.

Relationship with the Nova Odessa Complex Surrounding Community:

  • Jardim Botânico Plantarum (Botanical Garden) – Ambipar is a partnering company at the Jardim Botânico Plantarum, in Nova Odessa, aiming to promote socio-environmental and educational initiatives developed for the community, in addition to improving and increasing the Garden’s infrastructure.
  • Tree Planting – Known as “The Green Paradise”, the city of Nova Odessa has a special concern for the environment. According to the city’s website, there are 15 trees for each inhabitant, and more than 30 square meters of vegetation for each resident in the city – twice as much as the UN recommendations. The city also promotes a comprehensive program to replace trees that are unsuitable for pavement areas with new and suitable seedlings, ensuring the reforestation of streets and avenues.
  • Nova Odessa Nations Festival – The party has a social purpose and is 100% charitable, it is a traditional event in the city and resumed its face-to-face format after three years, with Ambipar as one of the sponsors. At the event, all income from the sale of the traditional food and drinks representing each country is designated to the charity entities present.

Social Responsibility

Responsible action for sustainable development in Brazil and various parts of the world where Ambipar operates.

  • Ambipar-Oksigeno Institute: Ambipar's commitment to society, particularly the sustainable development of communities, is strongly reflected in the work of the Ambipar-Oksigeno Institute. In 2022, it underwent significant transformations, realigning its mission, vision, and values and building a line of action based on two fronts – projects and volunteering – focused on causes such as:
    • Environmental preservation;
    • Inclusion of people with disabilities;
    • Inclusion of refugees;
    • Combatting racial inequality;
    • Education for children and adolescents;
    • Entrepreneurship/income generation.
  • ViraSer Project – Humanized Circular Economy

    In the circular economy approach, waste is no longer seen as a problem but as business opportunities, creating value and jobs for society and enabling a reduction in the environmental impacts caused by the current model of production and consumption.

    For an effective circular economy, however, it is necessary to rethink recycling models in Brazil, adopting a new market vision focused on circularity and structuring the entire chain with clear governance, management, and compliance processes, organizing production for scalability and positioning recycling professionals as social entrepreneurs.

    In this context, a social impact business like ViraSer emerges, promoting social inclusion, valuing recycling workers, increasing the average income in recycling cooperatives and associations, and improving the quality of life and self-esteem of professionals. Beyond its own walls, social impact businesses like this transform the lives of entire communities and the reality of Brazilian municipalities, promoting social inclusion and reducing environmental impacts.

    In 2022, the project recovered 32.8 thousand tons of materials, including metal, paper, plastic, and glass. The expectation for 2023 is to significantly increase the total recovered materials/diverted from landfills.

  • Mechanics of the Future Project

    Based on the premise that employees are an organization's most valuable asset, and that investment in their development provides a competitive advantage, the "Mechanics of the Future – Developing Young Specialists" project was structured to promote the development of skilled Heavy Equipment Mechanics. The program was conceived by the Human Resources team of Ambipar Environmental Suprema, in conjunction with the technical team from SENAI in Pedro Leopoldo, MG, Brazil.

  • Land & Water Indigenous Cohort Program

    Ambipar Response Canada, a specialist in emergency response and environmental services in the oil and gas, utilities, mining, and construction sectors, believes in the importance of supporting and integrating indigenous communities across North America.

Ambipar has Human Resources and Diversity policies that strengthen its commitment to gender and salary equality, and also repudiates any act of discrimination or any conduct that violates Human Rights.

The Code of Conduct and Compliance focuses on respect for human rights, with the aim of combating corruption and fraud. Its scope is to foresee and avoid situations that may lead to a breach of conduct, in addition to assessing and dealing with any denunciations.

100% of employees are trained in the security and compliance requirement, which deals with anti-corruption and discrimination policy. In places where the ordinance is outsourced (14.28% of the units), 100% of the teams receive the same training.

The aspects of ESG are horizontally integrated into our businesses, cascading down our value chain, and are an integral part of our strategies. That's why we have become institutional supporters of the United Nations Global Compact Network Brazil, the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative, and formally committed to contributing to the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Through this action, we formally commit to good governance and sustainability practices (ESG), embedding them into the daily operations and investment decisions.

Global Compact 2030 Ambition

Ambipar and the UN Global Compact have been building an important partnership, from institutional support to the Brazil Network of the Global Compact as well as becoming the Ambassador of the Conexão Circular Movements (SDG 12) and NET Zero Ambition (SDG 13).

Within this partnership, Ambipar has actively promoted the “2030 Ambition” project, which aims to enable and inspire a positive impact on the environment, society, and the global market, creating value for the company and consumers. To achieve the objectives outlined, the project is based on proposing actions, goals, and commitments in areas such as climate change, human rights, the mental health of employees, water management, gender, and racial equity.

Ambipar was the main supporter of the 2030 Ambition launch event that took place in São Paulo, bringing together CEOs and leaders from the Brazilian private sector to discuss ways to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the country.

  • SDG Turning Point - The SDG Turning Point is a movement aimed at increasing society's engagement with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from the UN's 2030 Agenda.
  • Ambipar at COP27 - Ambipar was present at COP27, the United Nations Climate Conference held in Egypt in 2022. We participated in discussions on the global carbon market and the promotion of the circular economy as a mechanism for emission reduction.
  • Ambipar at the World Economic Forum - The Davos Download event, featuring award-winning social entrepreneurs at the World Economic Forum, was organized by Boomera Ambipar and SAS Brasil. It discussed the ESG landscape in Brazil and the world.

In 2023, Ambipar assumed the role of Ambassador for nine Movements within the Ambition 2030 program.

By committing to all active Movements when signing the partnership, Ambipar pioneered sustainability efforts, securing “naming rights” with the Global Compact. For the next two years, Ambipar will feature its brand alongside the Ambição 2030 logo and participate in all program actions. This strategy enables us to amplify business discussions on climate change, the circular economy, and human rights, while continuously highlighting the importance of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our collaboration with the Global Compact aims to establish long-term sustainability goals for the Group, with a primary focus on Brazil, where our operations are concentrated. Recognizing that this commitment can extend to other regions, we encourage Ambipar units in different countries to join local Global Compact networks. Through this initiative, we believe we are making a significant contribution to the UN’s 2030 Agenda, promoting the dissemination and implementation of these commitments locally and internationally and reinforcing sustainability across all Ambipar operations globally.

The pursuit of ambitious sustainability goals by more companies expands the market for highquality environmental services and emergency response. This partnership with the Global Compact is strategic for Ambipar and beneficial for the entire market, generating shared value to drive sustainable business throughout the supply chain and advancing our mission.

Global Compact Movements

  • Ambition Net Zero Movement - Challenge companies that are part of the UN Global Compact to establish ambitious, science-based climate commitments, integrating Sustainable Development Goal 13 (Climate Action) and the goals of the Paris Agreement into their business strategies. The movement advocates for setting goals for the Brazilian business sector—individual commitments and collective ambitions—that drive impactful contributions to Brazilian society. It aligns with international campaigns and best practices, such as the Business Ambition for 1.5° > Net-Zero Standards from the Science Based Targets.
    • Goals:
      • Annually publish our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory for Scopes 1 and 2 (Scope 3 optional) and reduce our GHG emissions in a aligned and formalized manner according to the criteria and targets of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), considering:
      • Develop a reduction target for Scope 1 and 2 emissions that includes at least 95% of these scopes' emissions as coverage;
      • Conduct a high-level screening of Scope 3 emissions.
  • Circular Connection Movement - The Circular Connection Movement accelerates progress towards achieving the targets of SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) through the principles of the Circular Economy. Through a collaborative journey of learning, experience exchange, and knowledge sharing, the Movement collaborates with Brazilian organizations to collectively advance in defining standards for sustainable production and consumption. These standards aim to promote the efficient use of natural resources, reduce waste, and minimize environmental waste disposal, thereby contributing effectively to reducing all forms of pollution.
    • Goal:
      • Circular business model implemented by 2030.
  • + Water Movement - The + Water Movement engages the business sector in addressing water security and access to basic sanitation in Brazil. Water security entails ensuring sustainable access to water of adequate quantity and quality for sustaining life and well-being, supporting economic activities, safeguarding against waterborne diseases and water-related disasters, and conserving ecosystems. The + Water Movement goes beyond a mere public stance; it advocates for a collective journey towards transparency and concerted actions, establishing goals to drive companies and achieve a competitive edge in realizing nationwide universal sanitation and water security, thereby advancing SDG 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation.
    • Goal:
      • Increase water use efficiency in production processes by 25%, ensuring lower and sustainable withdrawals of water resources from nature.
  • 100% Transparency Movement - This movement encourages and empowers companies to exceed legal obligations, strengthening transparency and integrity mechanisms to bolster resilience and exert influence on other companies nationwide. It represents Brazil’s pioneering and largest initiative promoting corporate transparency.
    • Goals:
      • Goal 1: 100% transparency in interactions with Public Administration;
      • Goal 2: 100% integrity in the remuneration of senior management;
      • Goal 3: Ensure continuous employee evaluation;
      • Goal 4: Keep managers engaged, with training to act on the subject and guidance on best practices, being agents of transformation and promoting psychological safety;
      • Goal 5: Create an anti-stigma program: promote open discussions and group interventions on topics aimed at reducing the stigma related to psychological distress, making it a permanent agenda within the organization;
      • Goal 6: Promote mental health incentive actions: campaigns and initiatives to encourage cultural, sports, nutrition, well-being, education practices, among others, based on identified needs;
      • Note: Regarding the 100% Transparency Movement, it is worth noting that the goals are staggered: 1 goal achieved by 2023; 2 goals achieved by 2025; 3 goals achieved by 2027; 5 goals achieved by 2030.
  • The Women Lead Movement - The Women Lead Movement acknowledges the urgent need for tangible actions, setting targets and public commitments to advance gender equality and foster a more equitable world. This Movement aims to enlist 1500 companies committed to achieving gender parity in senior management by 2030.
    • Goal:
      • 50% of women in senior leadership positions by 2030.
  • Race is a Priority Movement - In collaboration with the Center for the Study of Labor Relations and Inequalities (CEERT), the Race is a Priority Movement seeks partnership with other strategic institutions to mobilize 1500 companies committed to achieving 50% representation of Black individuals in leadership positions by 2030.
    • Goal:
      • 50% of Black, Indigenous, Quilombola, and other minority ethnic groups in leadership positions by 2030.
  • Mind in Focus Movement - The Mind in Focus Movement mobilizes companies to address the stigma and social prejudice surrounding mental health, advocating for mental health to be integrated into corporate decision-making. Through stimulating discussions and establishing concrete actions, the Movement supports companies in fostering healthy work environments. It aims to address mental health preventively and humanely, treating it as an ongoing issue and integral part of corporate strategy, aligning with SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being). This initiative by the UN Global Compact in Brazil was developed in partnership with InPress Porter Novelli and Falconi Consultores S/A and was endorsed by the Brazilian Society of Psychology.
    • Goals:
      • Goal 1: Have a dedicated professional for counseling and support;
      • Goal 2: Offer crisis guidance and management;
      • Goal 3: Ensure continuous employee evaluation;
      • Goal 4: Keep managers engaged, with training to act on the subject and guidance on best practices, being agents of transformation and promoting psychological safety;
      • Goal 5: Create an anti-stigma program: promote open discussions and group interventions on topics aimed at reducing the stigma related to psychological distress, making it a permanent agenda within the organization;
      • Goal 6: Promote mental health incentive actions: campaigns and initiatives to encourage cultural, sports, nutrition, well-being, and educational practices, among others, based on identified needs.
  • Decent Wage Movement - The Decent Wage Movement encourages and supports companies to ensure 100% dignified wages for employees, including those in operations, contractors, and/or outsourced workers, while promoting and engaging the entire supply chain to establish dignified wage goals.
    • Goal:
      • 100% of employees across the entire organization earning a living wage by 2030.
  • Amazon Movement - The Amazon Movement mobilizes the Brazilian business sector to combat deforestation in the Amazon through individual, sectoral, and cross-sectoral initiatives. It implements projects to ensure that company operations and value chains do not contribute to deforestation, promoting actions that safeguard the Amazon forest’s integrity by 2030.
    • Goal:
      • Develop a project that contributes to keeping the forest standing by 2030.

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National and International Alliances for Sustainable Development

We support various institutions to strengthen strategies and actions related to social issues. We are aware of the challenges we have undertaken, with a view to contributing to the development of our industry sector. Therefore, we actively participate in a series of entities that work on issues essential to our business. Among them:

  • Brazilian Chemical Industry Association (Abiquim)
  • Brazilian Association of Alkalis, Chlorine, and Derivatives Industries (Abiclor)
  • Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - Brazilian Committee on Transportation and Traffic (ABNT/CB-10/CB-16/CB-24)
  • Brazilian Association for the Prevention and Control of Environmental Emergencies (ABPCEA)
  • Brazilian Association of Transport and Logistics of Hazardous Products (ABTLP)
  • Regional Council of Chemistry (CRQ)
  • Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy (CREA)
  • National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
  • Ethos Institute
  • Jô Clemente Institute (Formerly APAE de São Paulo)
  • Doctors Without Borders
  • Luz Alliance Institute
  • CEBDS - Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development
  • CETESB - Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo
  • CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project)
  • United Nations Global Compact Network Brazil
  • Science-Based Targets Initiative
  • ODS Minas Gerais Hub
  • Conscious Capitalism Brazil

A partnership to protect children

An important social aspect with which we work is aligned with our operations in logistics. We adhere to the Program na Mão Certa, an initiative of the NGO Childhood Brasil, to mobilize governments, companies and third sector organizations to tackle the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents on Brazilian highways.

Periodically, we hold lectures with drivers, as well as providing educational materials on the Company's trucks, and we also reinforce the program's dissemination in our internal communication channels.

Through our work within our clients' facilities, we have the opportunity to participate in the environmental and social actions and campaigns structured by them. We collaborate in food collection and distribution of Ecosolo® - a soil conditioner obtained from the composting of industrial organic waste - for the Young Farmer Program, of which we are partners.

Additionally, in collaboration with clients in the Paper and Pulp industry, we assist in the disposal of cementitious artifacts - Ecobase®, produced with inorganic waste from operations. The product has been applied to improve squares and courts, benefiting the surrounding communities.

In our day-to-day operations, we seek to promote diversity regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. For example, in 2020, the "gender in the workforce" theme had 35% of women in director positions and 41% in management. For 2021, the Company plans to implement a program to develop and hire women in technical and operational roles, thus increasing the participation of women across the organization.

"Diversity is essential in running a Company. Having different perspectives on the same topic and situation, regardless of gender, helps find more efficient solutions." - Ana Santos Amorim, Operational Manager, Environment Segment.

"I was surprised to arrive at Ambipar and find the most diverse and respectful corporate environment I have ever known. I'm talking about women in high-ranking positions in the hierarchy, an inclusive environment for the LGBTQ+ community, an environment that integrates different generations productively, and diversity in terms of race." - Camila Paes, Procurement Superintendent, Corporate.

"In addition to supporting women's professional growth, the company has an excellent organizational climate where everyone is encouraged to actively participate in strategic decisions." - Patricia Suraci, Operational and Administrative Manager, Environment Segment.

Partnership for Gas Technician Training

In partnership with Comgás, the largest natural gas distributor in the country, we are promoting professional training courses for the inclusion of women gas technicians in the job market - a way to generate employment and encourage diversity in a predominantly male field. The project is carried out in conjunction with the Paula Sousa Center and the "Minha Chance" Program of the State of São Paulo's Department of Economic Development.

By the end of 2021, 47 new professionals graduated in an online ceremony. Ambipar hired nine of them to join the team that provides network repair and maintenance services to Comgás. In addition, it offered courses on Regulatory Standards (NRs) at the largest Training Center in Latin America, located at the company's headquarters in Nova Odessa, São Paulo.

Pink Corridor

Another initiative to strengthen the ESG pillars (Environmental, Social, and Governance) in the logistics segment is Ambipar's commitment to diversity. The company is implementing the Pink Corridor project, which involves hiring women to work in the transportation of chemical and hazardous products. "This action has great importance for the sector, considering that it is still an extremely male-dominated field, lacking infrastructure for women. We want to contribute to the valorization of these professionals," says the Vice President of Amipar Logistics.

It is worth noting that the company has always sought to support the initiatives of unions and truck manufacturers aimed at involving women in the transportation sector. "Pink Corridor is not a project; it is a call, a mobilization. Pink Corridor is a summons for all women who dream of entering the Road Cargo Transportation sector," concludes the executive.

Ambipar in the Elas na Indústria Program - FIESP

The Elas na Indústria (Women in Industry) Program was created in 2014 under the management of the former Social Responsibility Committee of FIESP and its main objective is to increase the number of women in the industrial sector and raise awareness among entrepreneurs and leaders about the financial and social benefits of including more women in leadership, business, and operations. The program is divided into three axes:

  • Women in Operations
  • Women in Leadership
  • Women at the forefront of business

How the Program Develops:

  • Individual mentoring for women in the industry who are in leadership positions or immediate preceding positions and in charge of their businesses, in partnership with companies and unions.
  • Operational training for women in partnership with companies and SENAI-SP.
  • Courses, lectures, and thematic events (on-demand).

In 2023, Ambipar partnered to have its professionals participate as mentors and mentees (students). In its first annual cycle in the first half of 2023, one mentor and four mentees from Ambipar participated, with a graduation ceremony held at FIESP in August 2023. For the second half of 2023, Ambipar has already confirmed the participation of five mentors and 20 mentees, who are expected to complete the program at the end of the year.


In 2023, Ambipar became part of the first portfolio of the B3 Diversity Index - IDIVERSA B3, thanks to the recognition of its Human Capital indicators related to Gender and Race.

Launched in August 2023 and updated annually, IDIVERSA B3 is the first Latin American index to combine gender and race criteria into a single indicator to select the companies that will make up the portfolio. The new indicator is a way to recognize listed companies that stand out in diversity, promote greater representation of underrepresented groups (women, Black and Indigenous people) in the market, make diversity indicators visible and tangible to the market, and generate comparability in companies' diversity performance, encouraging them to adopt best practices regarding diversity.

We contribute to social development through our own initiatives and by supporting campaigns conducted by our clients, benefiting the communities in their areas of operation.

We participated in the Global "Caixa do Bem" Campaign by donating one ton of food and also promoted a series of social assistance actions to strengthen the fight against Covid-19, risks of accidents in home activities, campaigns against smoking, prevention of alcoholism and drug use, as well as efforts against sexually transmitted diseases.

In 2022, we shared our purpose - preservation and regeneration of Planet A - in an advertising campaign, aiming for our message to gain more strength and reach.

We have a risk management policy aimed at establishing the main guidelines and responsibilities to be observed by the company in the process of managing the risks to which it is exposed. In this way, the correct identification and assessment of risks are carried out, the priority chain is defined, monitoring dynamics are established, and the most effective way to communicate them is determined, ensuring the company's continuity.

Concisely, the Company's Risk Management consists of the following steps:

  1. Willingness to take risks and setting limits for acceptable risks;
  2. Identification of risks and events;
  3. Risk assessment;
  4. Prioritization and treatment;
  5. Monitoring, communication, and consultation.

This management involves the analysis of operational, administrative, financial, internal, and external risks, considering the social and environmental impacts and opportunities that may influence Ambipar's business. We classify our risks into the following categories:

  • Social and Environmental
  • Strategic
  • Financial
  • Legal, Regulatory, and Compliance
  • Operational
  • Political
  • Technological

In effect since 2017, our Code of Conduct & Compliance applies to employees, suppliers, representatives, service providers, and business partners. It sets forth non-negotiable ethical and moral principles for the Company, such as respect for human rights, diversity, inclusion, and the fight against corruption, money laundering, unfair competition, child labor, and forced labor, for example.

Our policies aim to promote transparency and standardization in the daily dynamics of the company in Brazil and worldwide and are valid for all brands and companies that are part of the Group.

  • Anti-Corruption and Anti-Money Laundering Policy;
  • Confidentiality Policy;
  • Policy for Hiring Independent Auditors;
  • Diversity and Inclusion Policy;
  • Sponsorship and Donation Policy;
  • Human Resources Policy;
  • Stakeholder Relationship Policy;
  • Supplier Relationship Policy;
  • Sustainability Policy;
  • Code of Conduct and Compliance;
  • Data Protection Policy;
  • Securities Trading Policy;
  • Risk Management Policy;
  • Stock Option Plan Policy;
  • Disclosure of Material Fact or Event Policy;
  • Related Party Transactions Policy;
  • Compensation Policy;
  • Referral Policy.

The Compliance team is responsible for monitoring compliance with the company's internal policies, as well as implementing new procedures and seeking improvements in existing policies.

For all stakeholders, we provide communication channels with the Conduct Committee: the email [email protected] and an anonymous channel ambipar.com/denuncias/, where comments, questions, or reports related to misconduct can be submitted. 100% of the issues received through our channels have been resolved.

Integrity management within the Company is an essential requirement for good corporate governance, conveying credibility and transparency to the activities carried out by Ambipar.

The Integrity Program coordinates actions related to the protection of human rights, fighting corruption and fraud on three fronts: prevention, detection, and remediation of possible practices that contravene laws, rules, and internal policies. All are handled by the Conduct Committee, based on the parameters established in current legislation and the principles in our Code of Conduct & Compliance.

Following the best practices of corporate governance and the evolution of discussions regarding this subject in the Conduct Committee, in 2022 an independent department was created, within the Legal department, dedicated to the Integrity Program.

In Brazil, 100% of our operations in 2022 were assessed regarding corruption and bribery risks and there was no corruption case or judicial lawsuit reported. In addition, our business partners will be notified regarding this subject in 2023 through our interactive platform.

Training, Education, and Awareness

The Integrity Program Training Booklet proposes several awareness and educational actions that promote engagement, for direct employees and thirdparty workers. The Booklet was built according to the guidelines of the Code of Conduct and other company policies.

Ludos PRO Platform

Highlighted among employee engagement channels with the company, Ludos PRO is a gamified platform, where employees and outsourced companies engage in an online and interactive journey, creating an avatar that represents them. In 2022, new dynamics were included in the platform to check the level of knowledge about the topics in the Code of Conduct.

To guide the management of the topic, we use the Integrated Management System (SGI) Policy, process control and analysis of operations, which results in procedures and instructions for activities. We also have incident and accident indicators and methodologies for action plans, which are constantly monitored.

In the SGI policy there is an analysis related to Health, Workplace Safety, Environment and Quality, with guidelines for achieving the objectives set. The document has as premises: to meet the legal, contractual, and other applicable requirements, of quality, environment, safety and health at work; ensure the continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System; and promoting health and safety by preventing injuries, accidents and occupational damage.

Our processes are mapped to find potential impacts and new improvement opportunities so that the operations and the company as a whole are increasingly more efficient. Accordingly, we should point out that all of our operations have an integrated management system (IMS) implemented and that we are seeking full certification of IMS under international standards (ISO) for quality (ISO 9001), environment (ISO 14001), occupational health and safety (ISO 45001), and emergency management (ISO 22320), as well as the Health, Safety, Environment and Quality Assessment System (SASSMAQ).

Composto por 8 membros indicados pelo Conselho de Administração, com reconhecida experiência em assuntos relevantes para a área de sustentabilidade. O órgão tem como principal objetivo assessorar o conselho de administração nas discussões dos temas relacionados à agenda ESG. As atribuições deste Comitê são: discutir propostas para uma gestão estratégica com foco em sustentabilidade, supervisionar a qualidade e integridade dos relatórios da companhia, a aderência às normas legais, estatutárias e regulatórias e a criação de estratégias e prioridades de curto, médio e longo prazos que devem ser consideradas na tomada de decisão da companhia, considerando os aspectos de sustentabilidade no negócio.

Em setembro de 2021, Gisele Bündchen, que possui forte atuação na defesa do meio ambiente, tornou-se acionista, embaixadora e membro do Comitê de Sustentabilidade do Grupo. Gisele também atuará na promoção da imagem institucional da marca Ambipar e de seus produtos e serviços.


Regenerate, mission of Ambipar

It is no longer enough to conserve. It is necessary to regenerate the planet for future generations. Join us!

Ambipar, Gisele and ESG

Environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) factors are increasingly valued by investors because they represent the combination of profitability and sustainability. Talk to Ambipar and discover the most complete portfolio of ESG services.

ESG: the three letters that are revolutionizing companies!

ESG: Understand how these three letters are revolutionizing companies around the world and how we support our customers within these metrics! Press play!

Sustainability Report 2021

Check out our 2021 sustainability report with our advances on the ESG agenda and everything we do to preserve the world, today, and for future generations.

Ambipar Sustainability Report 2023 Download

Sustainability Report previous years

Sustainability Report 2022, click here.

Sustainability Report 2021, click here.

Sustainability Report 2020, click here.

Version of the 2020 Sustainability Report for people with special needs (download the epu2 file), click here.


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