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MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet

Document that provides information on aspects of the chemical in terms of protecting safety, health and the environment. The product is classified according to & nbsp; the GHS system (Globally Harmonized System). Prepared based on ABNT NBR 14725 and according to Decree nº 2657/98 and Ordinance nº 229 of 2011 / TEM.

FDSR – Waste Safety Data Sheet

Document that provides information on the identification of the waste, its generator, classification, dangerousness and emergency procedures. The FDSR also has its normative basis in Convention No. 170 of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and in Decree No. 2,657 of March 3, 1998.  The specifications of the FDSR are regulated by & nbsp; ABNT NBR 16725. This standard also provides for labeling standards for chemical residues, hazardous or not.

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