Ambipar's mission is to promote ecological transformation, investing in decarbonization projects, circular economy, emergency response, and environmental regeneration.
More than 40 countries, 6 continents, over 500 bases, and one goal: to help your company take care of the planet.
For Ambipar, ecological transformation means combining the environment with economic development, putting sustainability at the center of all decisions.
Operating as a Global Sustainability Ecosystem, Ambipar's business model consists of a complete and integrated platform of socio-environmental solutions aimed at promoting the ecological transformation of the planet and enhancing the sustainable performance of our clients, always prioritizing the health and financial longevity of our organization, the generation of value for our stakeholders, the mitigation of negative impact, and the creation of positive impact on the environment and society, always in pursuit of the regeneration of our Planet A. Because there is no Planet B.
The business model is divided into two verticals, Ambipar Environment and Ambipar Response, and several complementary businesses.
The complete platform for responding to emergencies and industrial and environmental demands that Ambipar Response offers positions it as a global leader in solving critical situations, across all modes of transportation, covering 40 countries.
Distribution of Shares of Ambipar Participações e Empreendimentos S.A.
In the division of Ambipar Participações e Empreendimentos S.A.:
Guided by its values, best ESG practices, the precepts of B3’s Novo Mercado, and the requirements of the NYSE, Ambipar is governed by a corporate governance model that emphasizes ethics, transparency, and credibility.
The main decision-making bodies are the Board of Directors at the strategic level and the Executive Board at the operational level, each with its legal and statutory responsibilities. In addition to Ambipar's Executive Board, the Environment and Response verticals have their own Executive Boards.
The Board and Executive Board are advised by the Audit, Conduct, and Sustainability Committees.
Board of Directors:
Executive Board:
30.4% of the governance positions at Ambipar are held by women.
To achieve its goal of becoming a global reference in sustainability, Ambipar operated until 2023 guided by a strategy of organic and inorganic growth. Starting in 2024, it adopts an internal organization strategy focused on organic growth:
To optimize acquisition processes, Ambipar developed the 100-Day Plan, a structured step-by-step guide for integrating new companies into the organization. 20 plans were executed and/or are in progress in 2023.
Sustainability is the central pillar of Ambipar's business, and its developments generate value for the organization and all stakeholders. To achieve this, Ambipar builds its sustainability agenda and long-term strategy in partnership with key global organizations working for sustainable development.
To ensure that the sustainability agenda drives the business and management of the organization, the Executive Sustainability Board has outlined actions in two main areas: the Regenerate HUB, which aims to manage Ambipar’s ESG indicators in an integrated manner, and the thematic IWGs (Internal Working Groups), which aim to keep the group at the forefront of the global sustainability agenda.
Regenerate HUB
The main results of this integrated and systematic management are the continuous advances in the main sustainability indexes, such as the ISE-B3 and the CDP.
CDP Climate
Environmental ESG Pillar:
Social ESG Pillar:
Governance ESG Pillar:
Ambipar's performance in its businesses and the connection of sustainability with value generation for stakeholders were analyzed from the perspective of Capitals, a methodology from the IIRC (International Integrated Reporting Council).
Technical knowledge, patents, registered trademarks, and strategic partnerships are part of Ambipar's intellectual capital, vital for driving innovation, differentiating from competitors, and developing effective and sustainable environmental solutions.
Economic health and adequate financing enable investments in research and development of new technologies and environmental solutions, expansion of operations, and maintenance of operational efficiency.
Manufactured (Physical/Operational)
Ambipar's physical and operational capital includes facilities, equipment, and technologies used to provide environmental solutions. Maintaining and improving these assets is essential to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the services provided.
Committed to sustainability and ecological transformation, Ambipar goes beyond impact mitigation and focuses on promoting a circular and low-carbon economy. Additionally, Ambipar is at the forefront of prevention and response to environmental emergencies, helping to mitigate damage to ecosystems and communities using innovative technologies and highly trained teams, ensuring the resilience of natural systems and promoting environmental regeneration.
Ambipar's employees are fundamental to the company's success. They bring technical expertise, field experience, and innovation capability. Investing in employees' professional development and well-being is essential to maintaining high standards of quality and service.
Over the years, Ambipar has built a robust network of relationships with customers, suppliers, local communities, and global and sectoral associations. Building and maintaining these relationships is essential to ensure trust, support, and access to resources necessary for the company's operations.
Ambipar is a Brazilian multinational, founded in 1995, and a leader in Environmental Management and Emergency Response.
We offer products and services for various market sectors and types of industry, across all links of different value chains, focusing on waste management and valorization, decarbonization, and protecting the assets and reputation of our clients, supporting the improvement of their ESG indicators.
Operating in 40 countries across six continents, Ambipar's business model is structured into two synergistic and complementary verticals: AMBIPAR ENVIRONMENT and AMBIPAR RESPONSE.
Ambipar operates in various segments to provide comprehensive services and products focused on environmental management. We offer intelligent services and expertise to our clients, so that together we can overcome the challenges of sustainability. After all, for us, sustainability is not just a discourse; it is our everyday life.
In significant global expansion, Ambipar respects compliance rules and social and environmental responsibility, prioritizing ethics and prompt responses to the demands of its clients.
With the aim of promoting ecological transformation by investing in decarbonization projects, waste transformation, energy transition, and environmental regeneration, AMBIPAR ENVIRONMENT remains at the forefront of environmental management, providing assertive and sustainable solutions to increase the circularity of waste and minimize the extraction of natural resources.
AMBIPAR ENVIRONMENT operates in the management and valuation of post-consumer and post-industrial waste, from collection to its transformation into new products, making them ready to be reintegrated into the industrial chain, promoting a circular and low-carbon economy. To achieve this, it has dozens of operational bases for waste collection and segregation, eco-parks for the proper disposal of materials that cannot be valued and/or recycled, a structure for the professionalization of cooperatives, and various transformation industries, reinforcing the capillarity of its operations.
Using the concept of ecological transformation, AMBIPAR ENVIRONMENT develops and operates energy generation projects from waste, both in blending plants for coprocessing and in the development of clean energy alternatives. It actively works on one-stop-shop solutions for water and effluent management, in its own plants (onsite operations) and in clients' plants (offsite operations).
As a "carbon-neutral" company since 2021, all Ambipar solutions have their carbon footprint offset. Our concern goes beyond our own operations; thus, we have solutions for the entire decarbonization journey of our clients, starting with greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories, moving through emission reduction projects, and concluding with the offering of carbon credits.
In this way, AMBIPAR ENVIRONMENT operates in the circular economy in a complete and integrated manner, closing the entire waste cycle and always seeking to generate positive environmental impacts.
AMBIPAR RESPONSE operates in the prevention, control, response, and environmental remediation following emergency situations, accidents, and crises, with the goal of ensuring business continuity for our clients, preserving their reputation, and protecting the environment.
The development of a complete crisis management platform and addressing industrial and environmental demands positions AMBIPAR RESPONSE as a global leader in environmental solutions across all modalities, operating in 40 countries on six continents.
Understanding the importance of an integrated and systemic approach to environmental controls, AMBIPAR RESPONSE offers a portfolio of multiple solutions, including:
With a focus on enhancing client performance, AMBIPAR RESPONSE also has a unit dedicated to developing industrial repair and maintenance solutions, utilizing proprietary technologies to enhance safety, employing drones and robots in operations.
This entire structure ensures comprehensive support for clients' environmental demands, from the pre-installation phase of the industrial site, meeting installation environmental requirements, to solidifying as a strategic partner in environmental control throughout the entire industrial operation.
Ambipar ESG solutions help companies identify risks and opportunities related to the ESG Agenda, corporate risk management, compliance, business continuity, crises, cybersecurity, data privacy management, and carbon initiatives. We use responsible AI in all our applications, ensuring an integrated approach that enables sustainable and effective management, with positive impacts for all stakeholders.
Learn more
Over the past few years, Ambipar has built its growth strategy through acquisitions financed by debt. This presents the group with the challenge of integrating the acquired companies and leveraging potential synergies within the ecosystem. Therefore, there are strong strategic and operational incentives to support the holding's two subsidiaries – Ambipar Environment and Ambipar Response – which are managed in an integrated manner. Both are significant in terms of revenue and EBITDA for the group, with vast growth potential and synergies to capture.
Ambipar maintained its growth strategy through mergers and acquisitions (M&A) until 2023. The group completed acquisitions totaling approximately R$ 3.0 billion over the past three years to strengthen its scale and diversify its business and presence in other countries. Starting in 2024, the strategic guidelines focus on consolidating the integration of the acquired companies into the group's culture, as well as focusing on the organic growth of the Company through the efficient operational performance of Ambipar's business models.
Ambipar's strategy aligns with the company's situational analysis, which shows increasing pressure from governments and society on companies regarding carbon management, climate risks, reverse logistics, circular economy, and the quality of response to emergencies and crises. Companies are expected to be increasingly aware and responsible, under the risk of reputational damage to brand positioning.
Summary of M&A Strategy in 2023:
How we create value over time for all our stakeholders
The Board of Directors is the body that establishes the general direction of the business and has the mission to protect and enhance the company's assets, ensuring its growth and sustainability. It periodically monitors the management carried out by the directors and executives of the entire group and assesses and monitors exposure to risks and business expansion opportunities.
Board members are elected at the General Shareholders' Meeting for two-year terms, with the possibility of re-election, selected for their alignment and commitment to Ambipar's values and culture, their impeccable reputation, academic background, and professional experience.
The Board of Directors conducts an annual self-assessment (or at least once per term) as a body and evaluates each of its members individually.
Board of Directors Election Date: 04/30/2024 / Term: 2 years
In 2023, Ambipar reached 6th place among the top-rated companies in the ISE B3 portfolio – one position higher than in 2022 and two positions higher than in 2021.
Ambipar's sustainability strategy is aligned with the requirements of the ISE B3 – Corporate Sustainability Index of B3, the Brazilian stock exchange. This alignment is achieved through in-depth interviews with Ambipar's key areas and analysis of public and private documents, resulting in action plans focused on overcoming identified gaps and continuously improving the group's management and operations regarding sustainability. Ambipar is always striving for leadership in the index, which features an increasingly rigorous evaluation method.
Ambipar is committed to the best practices required by B3 for publicly traded companies, reinforcing that companies should position themselves in front of the sustainability agenda. Always aiming for corporate leadership as a sustainable company, Ambipar has already prepared its Reference Form according to CVM 59 and is already maturing its reporting so that, gradually, full compliance with the IFRS/ISSB, S1, and S2 sustainability reporting methodology is achieved. The content on Climate Change in Section 3: Natural Capital provides more information on Ambipar's climate strategy, in line with ISSB demands, as well as adherence to SBTi and the company's mitigation targets for GHG emissions aimed at the 1.5°C global warming ceiling.
Regarding the CDP-Climate Score, Ambipar's rating for the 2023 application process was A-, rising to Leadership status and fulfilling the commitment made in the previous year.
In the following chapters, Ambipar's performance will be presented based on the Capitals of the IIRC (International Integrated Reporting Council).
We will start with Intellectual Capital, demonstrating the importance of research, development, and innovation for Ambipar's business and how the company's strategy is intrinsically tied to the pursuit of innovative solutions to global challenges.
Next, we will showcase the company's financial results and economic management. To demonstrate what supports our financial sustainability, we will provide information about Ambipar's physical and operational structure, as well as the company's performance in Environmental and Human Capitals. Finally, we will show the company's relationship with society and other stakeholders.
To conclude the report, we will present the chapter "Vision for the Future," positioning Ambipar and its next steps aimed at generating value for the business and driving ecological transformation for society and the environment.
Ambipar's Research, Development & Innovation (RD&I) department conducts studies and research in a modern laboratory with cutting-edge infrastructure and skilled professionals to develop solutions addressing the key challenges of achieving a circular and low-carbon economy. The projects are transformed into sustainability plans that support the development of business models aligned with the 2030 Agenda.
Over the past 3 years, investments from the net revenue of the Environment segment have been made towards product research, development, and innovation. The result is a series of awards received by Ambipar for the solutions developed through its RD&I.
* Awards related to achievements in 2022, but received in 2023 ceremonies.
Q4 2022:
Q1 2023:
Q2 2023:
Q3 2023:
Q4 2023:
Our home is planet Earth
Ambipar has a global reach, with a physical presence in 40 countries through more than 500 bases. With fixed and mobile physical structures, Ambipar positions itself as a global reference in providing environmental, sustainability, and emergency response services, also leading in Brazil and having high reach abroad in the emergency response segment, which involves accidents with chemical products and pollutants, as well as firefighting.
At Ambipar, each business unit and company has its own management concerning environmental indicators; however, there is a transversal process across the group that consolidates global data related to natural capital. Through the HUB Regenerar and the hubbers, the data from each business unit and company are integrated into a unique management platform so that we can have the global figures.
Our commitment to addressing climate change drives us to seek the best strategies, business lines, and products that can contribute to mitigating environmental impacts, achieving decarbonization, preserving and regenerating, and adhering to the concepts of the circular economy.
GRI 2-7 | 2-8 | 2-30 | 401-1 | 405-1
SASB IF-WM-310a.1 | SV-PS-330a.1 | SV-PS-330a.2 | SV-PS-000.A
Ambipar has employees spread across the globe, whether through its operations related to Environment, Response, or Complementary Services. However, even though we have people in Africa, Asia, Oceania, and even Antarctica, their respective postings are in the four main areas of centralization for the management of the services offered, which are: Brazil, North America, Latin America, and Europe.
For this reason, the location-related data will be categorized into these four regions. All our employees are covered by the laws in force in each locality of operation, regarding collective bargaining agreement associations.
Regarding outsourced employees, by the end of 2023, Ambipar had 306 working, considering all its operations*.
Outsourced employees are those who are hired by the organization to work at the organization's workplace, in a public area (e.g., on a highway), or directly at the client's workplace. Most of Ambipar's outsourced employees work in the activities of Ambipar Response Emergency Response and Ambipar Environment Waste Management.
* Outsourced employees are those who are hired by the organization to work at the organization's workplace, in a public area (e.g., on a highway), or directly at the client's workplace. Most of Ambipar's outsourced employees work in the activities of Ambipar Response Emergency Response and Ambipar Environment Waste Management.
From Local to Global: Wherever it goes, Ambipar seeks sustainable development.
Institutional and Strategic Partnerships - national and international alliances for sustainable development.
Our global presence and operations align with the responsibilities and commitments we have undertaken with institutes, organizations, and support and partnership networks, both national and international:
Ambipar is one of the coordinators of the HUB ODS Minas Gerais, part of the Brazil Global Compact Network, which aims to accelerate, through regional partnerships, the involvement of the business sector with the UN Sustainable Development Agenda by 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Regional HUBs are part of a pioneering movement worldwide, which seeks to increase local impact on the SDGs within the vocation of each state, reaching key actors from different subnational regions. The HUB ODS of Minas Gerais is led by the Rede Desafio 2030, of which Ambipar is a founding member, fully aligning with the HUB's objectives.
Ambipar is a founding member of the Rede Desafio 2030 (RD2030), composed of leading sustainability organizations in Minas Gerais that have come together to enhance the contribution of the Minas Gerais business sector to achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), at least at the regional level. RD2030 understands that by actively pursuing the SDGs, the private sector will benefit from innovations, growth, and development for the people and organizations related to its activities. Therefore, the Network supports its members in guiding their long-term strategy toward the Sustainable Development Goals, directing their evolution to meet the demands of shareholders and society as a whole. RD2030 partners with the Brazil Global Compact Network, supporting projects, educational initiatives, and actions to promote business sustainability in Minas Gerais and positioning our companies as international references on the subject.
Ambipar is associated with the Conscious Capitalism Institute Brazil, founded in 2013 with the purpose of encouraging, inspiring, and assisting entrepreneurs and leaders in applying the principles of Conscious Capitalism in their organizations through awareness and education programs, as well as conducting lectures, events, workshops, sharing success stories, and publications.
Ambipar is associated with the Ethos Institute, created in 1998 by a group of entrepreneurs and executives from the private sector as a hub of knowledge, experience sharing, and development of tools to help companies analyze their management practices and deepen their commitment to social responsibility and sustainable development.
Ambipar is associated with CEBDS, the first institution in Brazil to discuss sustainability within the concept of the Triple Bottom Line, guiding companies' actions based on three pillars: economic, social, and environmental. The institution is also a reference for governments and non-governmental organizations.
Between 2022 and 2023, Ambipar became a founding partner of the Net Zero Platform of CEBDS ( and established a partnership to develop a framework for carbon credit certification standards in Brazil. Among the actions of the partnership, the two organizations held workshops to promote the qualification of the business sector and jointly developed a technical note for engaging the country's voluntary carbon market and promoting actions to mitigate global warming, empowering companies to identify credits through qualitative assessment, excluding non-integrity actors from the market, and promoting a true climate revolution.
Throughout 2023, various meetings were held, addressing the following themes:
Committed to sustainability, planetary regeneration, and ecological transformation. Looking to the future, we continue to innovate and expand our operations, keeping sustainability as a central pillar. This chapter outlines the key strategic drivers that will guide our trajectory in the coming years.
Sustainability is the foundation of Ambipar's operations. We are committed to promoting the circular economy, decarbonization, and environmental regeneration. We will continue to integrate sustainability practices across all our activities, strengthening our ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) initiatives and aligning with the Global Compact Movements. Sustainability will remain at the core of our strategic decisions, aiming to mitigate environmental impacts and generate value for all our stakeholders.
Furthermore, enhancing our capacity to respond to environmental and industrial emergencies is a priority. We will continue to integrate new monitoring and intervention technologies, further qualify our training centers, and empower professionals in crisis management. Our goal is to be the global reference in emergency response solutions, protecting lives, assets, and the environment.
Our growth strategy has been driven in recent years by expansion through strategic acquisitions (M&A). The intent was to gain market share and become a reference. However, the current moment is to look inward and focus on organic growth. We will remain attentive to the market so as not to miss the opportunity for possible strategic acquisitions that complement and expand our sustainability ecosystem. However, our current positioning is to organize ourselves internally, seeking to increase synergy among our business units, optimizing resources, and expanding our positive impact globally. Thus, we seek to strengthen our positioning in the ISE and the CDP, moving towards national and global leadership in sustainability.
Investing in Research, Development, and Innovation (R&D) is essential for Ambipar. We will continue to invest in technologies that enhance environmental management and emergency response. We will be attentive to the adoption of emerging technologies, such as blockchain and artificial intelligence, to improve operational efficiency, transparency, and resilience of our processes. Innovation will be a constant factor in maintaining our leadership in the sector.
Ambipar seeks to expand its global presence, especially in emerging markets that demand robust solutions for environmental management and emergency response. We will establish and strengthen strategic partnerships with various stakeholders to promote sustainable and resilient practices. Our goal is to bring our expertise to new regions, helping to tackle global environmental challenges and regenerate our planet.
We will maintain our commitment to robust and transparent corporate governance. We will continue to work with major global organizations promoting sustainable development, such as the UN Global Compact. Strategic partnerships will be expanded to include new stakeholders who share our vision of a sustainable future. Therefore, we will remain present on the main global sustainability stages, seeking to exchange experiences and knowledge, as well as strengthen our network of relationships and engagement in pursuit of the purpose of regenerating our planet. For this, it is essential to continue strengthening our governance practices, ensuring that our processes are transparent, ethical, and effective, especially at this moment of slowing down mergers and acquisitions processes.
We will continue to invest in community development programs and partnerships with cooperatives, promoting social inclusion and local economic development. We will strengthen our diversity and inclusion efforts, ensuring equitable opportunities for all employees. Ambipar believes that a diverse and inclusive work environment is fundamental to success and innovation. We plan to implement initiatives that improve our social and governance practices, addressing identified weaknesses and establishing a standard of excellence.
In this way, Ambipar is positioned to continue its trajectory of sustainable growth, with a clear future vision focused on innovation, international expansion, and positive impact on the environment and society. By following these strategic drivers, we will not only meet current demands but also prepare for the challenges and opportunities that will arise in the coming years.
Ambipar will establish itself as a global reference in integrated environmental solutions, reiterating our commitment to promoting this vision of the future that reflects our commitment to creating a more sustainable and resilient world, based on a solid strategy and concrete results.
We are confident that, with the ongoing efforts and dedication of our entire team, we will achieve our goals and provide a lasting positive impact on the planet and society.
Sustainability Report 2022, click here.
Sustainability Report 2021, click here.
Sustainability Report 2020, click here.
Version of the 2020 Sustainability Report for people with special needs (download the epu2 file), click here.