Equipment for Accident Prevention.

These environments common in the industrial area are not designed for human occupation, have limited means of entry and exit, and the existing ventilation is insufficient to remove contaminants.
These spaces require a lot of care from the team that interacts directly or indirectly, for accident prevention.
The NR-33 is the regulatory norm (NR) that governs work in confined spaces. According to this, to work safely in these types of environments, it is necessary to:
- Perform specific procedures;
- Use correct equipment to minimize risks.

We have the following EX equipment for use in these spaces for rental:
- EX Exhaust Fan;
- EX Luminaire;
- Gas Detector;
- Access and rescue tripod;
- Pneumatic Pump;
- Hydraulic Submersible Pump;
- High Pressure Hydrojet;
- EX Transformer;
- EX Distribution Box.