Biomonitoring of exotic and invasive species.

With a specialized team of biologists, oceanographers, and divers, Ambipar has several cases.
Ambipar has been conducting various environmental programs to identify, clean, and control the invasion and spread of corals and animals near:
- Vessels
- Platforms
- Coastal developments.
With the growth of the global maritime transport market and offshore operations, the incidental transport of species of aquatic organisms through the encrustation of vessels and platforms across different oceans has significantly increased bioinvasion, carried out by exotic species introduced in previously unrecorded locations.
The environmental imbalance caused by exotic species’ introduction into new environments can be irreversible, resulting in the loss of native biodiversity. For example, the sun coral (Tubastraea spp.) originating from the Indian and Pacific Oceans, competes heavily for resources in reef marine environments in Brazil due to bioinvasion.
The control and biomonitoring of this coral species are of high ecological and economic importance.
ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Invasive Species Monitoring