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By g1 AM - 04/29/2023

Equipe redação

By Equipe de Redação
Posted in April 29, 2023

By June, the machines will reach various neighborhoods in Manaus.

As part of the “Opera em Rede” project, the Rede Amazônica Foundation has launched recycling machines that are responsible for exchanging materials such as plastic bottles, metal, or cardboard for rewards.

“This is the second action of the project that reaches strategic points in Manaus with the aim of creating the process of compensating for recycled materials installed in various neighborhoods of the city by June, with the goal of raising awareness about the importance of recycling. Through these machines, the population can deposit waste and earn bonuses through an app to exchange for books, for example,” said Marcya Lira, executive director of Rede Amazônica Foundation.

The first machine was installed at the Rede Amazônica Group complex located in the Aleixo neighborhood on Friday afternoon (28), and on Saturday, two machines will be installed at the supermarkets: DB da Paraíba and Empório DB on Adrianópolis Avenue.

How to participate?

The machines have an input for waste disposal and a screen with the necessary information for use, such as what to dispose of, where to dispose, and point counting. To participate, simply register on the “Ambipar Triciclo” app.

About the “Ópera em Rede” project

In commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the “Opera Festival,” the Rede Amazônica Foundation launched the “Rede Amazônica” project in partnership with the Secretariat of Economy and Creative Culture and the Government of the State of Amazonas.

With the aim of popularizing opera through cultural and social actions for people in vulnerable situations, the project consists of opera exhibitions, pocket shows, and socio-environmental actions such as tree planting, food donations, and a campaign against hunger.

“The project aims to make the genre more popular, which is very distant, and to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the festival, which is so interesting and brings so much brightness to our region. The intention is to bring the rhythm through actions to people in less favorable situations. We have to look at culture but also think about the person, so we understand that in addition to providing access to culture, we need to raise awareness about some relevant topics for the foundation,” explains Marcya Lira, executive director of the Rede Amazônica Foundation.

The first action has already begun. A campaign against hunger in partnership with the “Rede do Bem” project from the Rede Amazônica Group was launched on AMAZON SAT with the aim of raising awareness among the public about food waste and collecting donations for 16 institutions that support people in vulnerable social situations. The campaign runs until June of this year.

The complete list can be found at the link below:


To follow the actions, simply follow the social media accounts of the Rede Amazônica Foundation: @fundacaoredeam


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