By Equipe de Redação
Posted in June 9, 2022
Ambipar Group – a Brazilian multinational and leader in environmental management – signed a sponsorship agreement with Jardim Botânico Plantarum in Nova Odessa. The company starts to contribute to the Empresa Amiga Plantarum Project, which aims to promote socio-environmental and educational actions developed by the institution, in addition to improving and increasing the Garden’s infrastructure.
The partnership is among the various actions that Ambipar Group carried out during the month of World Environment Day. “Supporting Plantarum effectively reinforces our commitment to preserving the environment. In addition, we contribute to strengthening the environmental education of the community neighboring our headquarters, as well as our employees and their families. Taking care of the environment is a responsibility of all of us for the continuity of the planet and the next generations”, says Rafael Tello, sustainability director at Ambipar.
The Empresa Amiga Plantarum Project has an environmental education program that includes actions such as: guided tour, maintenance of gardens and infrastructure, botanical project for a day, composting, expansion of rest and observation spaces.
Jardim Botânico Plantarum is open to the public from Wednesday to Sunday, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, and is located at Avenida Brasil, nº 2000, in Nova Odessa – SP.
Known as “The Green Paradise”, the city of Nova Odessa has a special concern for the Environment. According to the city’s website, there are 15 trees for each inhabitant, and more than 30 square meters of green area for each resident – double the amount recommended by the UN. The city also runs an extensive program to replace trees that are unsuitable for paving with new and adequate seedlings, ensuring that the streets and avenues are planted with trees.
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