By Equipe de Redação
Posted in December 27, 2022
In yet another Ambipar initiative dedicated to the environment, in partnership with the Nova Odessa (SP) city hall, the company carried out an action to plant more than 100 seedlings in the Linear Park in celebration of Tree Day.
On the last September 24th, employees participated in the action alongside their families. All seedlings planted were fruitful and flowering native species.
Collaborator Giovanna Mangegali Parras, Quality Analyst at Ambipar, participated in the initiative: “The action was much more than a symbolic act of planting a tree. It was a moment of awareness that our actions affect future generations. Therefore, we have to be environmentally responsible. Everyone has an obligation to preserve the environment, after all, there is no such thing as Planet B”, he says.
Ambipar promotes planting action in partnership with the City Hall of Nova Odessa
The Ambipar Research, Development and Innovation Center team was present at the event explaining and publicizing the biocapsule project. The idea is to use biodegradable collagen capsules containing seeds from native trees. The capsules come from waste from the pharmaceutical industry and are used to avoid disposal in landfills – giving a sustainable function to waste that would otherwise be discarded.
Employees who were present also participated in the raffle of 10 pairs of tickets to visit Jardim Botânico Plantarum, the reference center for research and conservation of Brazilian flora, located in the city of Nova Odessa (SP).
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