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Meio Filtrante by Johnny Pelegrini - 04/26/2022

Equipe redação

By Equipe de Redação
Posted in April 26, 2022

With national coverage, the project will include collection points, transportation, and treatment of used tires.

Ambipar Waste to Energy, a division of Ambipar, a leading multinational in environmental management, is developing an action focused on reverse logistics for tires that are no longer in use. The goal is to create a reverse logistics system, which includes collection and transportation for sending to treatment facilities, ensuring the environmentally proper final destination is nearby.

Following the guidelines of Resolution Conama n° 416, which establishes that manufacturers and importers of new tires, with a unit weight greater than 2.0 kg (two kilograms), are required to collect and properly dispose of the unusable material existing in the national territory. This work follows a strategic plan that encompasses the entire recycling process, using specific procedures.

The project was designed by Ambipar Waste to Energy, which focuses on the production of fuels derived from waste (CDRs) and aims to add value to waste through processes and technologies that transform waste into energy. It was created in a customized way according to the market’s needs, with the provision of collectors and points for storage, collection, and valorization of waste.

For the operation’s functioning, Ambipar manages its procedures through a waste management software, consisting of seven stages: tracking, collection, and weighing, centralization and standardization, report generation, document control, MTR generation (Waste Transportation Manifest), and registration of CDF (Certificate of Final Destination of Waste).

“The treatment will be carried out through shredding and co-processing in clinker kilns of the unserviceable tires in all regions of operation. Co-processing ensures full compliance with PNRS, CONAMA 416, and Instructional Normative N°9 of Ibama (Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources) regarding the treatment of unserviceable tires,” says Rodrigo Bürger, director of Ambipar Waste to Energy.


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