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How to classify solid waste

Equipe redação

By Equipe de Redação
Posted in March 1, 2023

Do you know how to classify solid waste?
The term “solid waste” refers to solid and semi-solid waste that comes from homes, industries, hospitals, commerce and urban cleaning services or agriculture. The classification of solid waste can occur as follows:

Common or household waste: Common waste is that which comes from houses, public and commercial buildings and schools. They are composed of organic materials and a wide variety of recyclable materials such as glass, metal, plastic and paper.

Public: Waste collected during the cleaning of streets, squares, rivers, streams and lakes, in addition to common garbage, can also be composed of leaves and branches.

Special: This is waste from civil construction, which generates debris, such as pieces of concrete and hardware, or from equipment used in industrial services, such as corrosive or flammable waste, in addition to the health area that discards biological and chemical waste.

Garbage separation:
Some of these residues are highly dangerous for the environment, as chemical components in large quantities can contaminate the soil and reach groundwater. These items are considered dangerous and must be collected and disposed of in proper places so that this cycle does not happen. Disposal without separation is the main cause of leachate, a liquid produced by the decomposition of garbage, and which is one of the reasons that make dumps and even some sanitary landfills dangerous for the planet.

In short, waste can be divided into organic, non-hazardous recyclable, non-hazardous non-recyclable and hazardous waste.
Organics can become fertilizer, while recyclables can be separated according to the type of material and reused, turning into other packages. Non-recyclables go straight to the landfill, which is why it is so important to distinguish between hazardous and non-hazardous. Hazardous waste must be disposed of in proper places so as not to contaminate the soil and groundwater, in addition to not causing risks to human health.

The separation of common or household solid waste has numerous advantages, as in addition to relieving landfills and landfills, dumping only waste that cannot be reused, it is possible to create new things through recycled material. Just separate the dry garbage from the organic one and keep the packaging clean through paper that will be discarded or reuse water.


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