By Equipe de Redação
Posted in March 1, 2023
The Site of Curiosities listed some of the materials considered most resistant in the world. Currently, there are already materials that are up to 500 times stronger than steel. View a selection of the strongest products and alloys man has ever used. Check out what they are:
1- Spider silk
This biological material is considered extremely tough and does not break easily.
2- Silicon carbide
The material forms the basis of the structure used in battle tanks. It is highly robust and resistant.
3- Nano-Kevlar
This material is made with nanospheres. The structure is rigid and extremely resistant.
4- Diamond
This precious gem is one of the hardest materials on Earth. The resistance is impressive.
5- Boron nitride
This material is created during volcanic eruptions and is theoretically 18% harder than diamond.
6- Lonsdaleite
Formed when meteorites containing graphite hit Earth. Simulations show that it is 58% harder and more resistant than diamonds.
7- Dyneema (UHMWPE)
It is a high-performance polyethylene marketed as the strongest fiber in the world. The material can stop bullets and is 15 times stronger than steel.
8- Amorphous metal
Palladium micro alloy glass has the best combination of toughness and toughness. It is believed to be the most durable material on the planet.
9- Buckypaper
It is a nanotechnology material made from carbon molecules. It is 500 times stronger than steel and 10 times lighter than steel.
10 – Graphene
They are carbon parts 200 times stronger than steel. It is one of the strongest and most durable materials in the world.
These are some of the natural or created materials that are super resistant and widely used in the market. But we know that any material must be used with caution.
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