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PetroNotícias - 12/20/2022

Equipe redação

By Equipe de Redação
Posted in January 11, 2023

Ambipar Certification – a company specializing in certification services for the Ambipar Group – granted the Green Seal to the Ibrame Group, after the process that considered the evaluation of waste management and post-industrial circular economy procedures. Submitted to independent and specific audits for the certification of services or processes – as established by NBR 17,067 – the Green Seal brings more reliability and security to evaluated and qualified companies. The certificate attests to compliance with environmental legislation in relation, including, to the requirements of the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS), as well as waste recovery and circular economy practices. By obtaining the Green Seal, companies are recognized as a standard in the management of waste generated in their chain, and are even considered a benchmark for their entire segment. For the renewal of certification, in addition to periodic annual maintenance, companies will be reassessed every three years and again submitted to the analysis processes to verify compliance with the guidelines and required requirements, as well as with the PNRS. If approved, the organization, again, receives the seal.

Elaine Cristina Moreira, Technical Director at Ambipar Certification, said: “We are very happy to certify yet another company that has shown itself to be transparent and committed throughout the entire process. This is very valuable. More and more we have seen institutions seeking to improve their processes and this is very important when we also think about the issue of waste and the future we want for our planet.”

For Luiz Osvaldo Pastore, shareholder and chairman of the Board of Directors of the Ibrame Group, at this time of strong corporate consolidation, the company seeks to demonstrate to customers and partners a sustainable path with credibility in the effort to preserve the environment. “As part of this commitment, we are pleased to make public that our production process based on recycled copper products was certified with the Green Seal by Ambipar Certification, a renowned organization accredited by Inmetro as OCP 0170 – Organization for the Certification of Products, Processes and Services, condition of an Independent and Impartial Organization to carry out activities under the regular evaluation of INMETRO’s CGCRE”, declared the executive.


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