It is evident that, regardless of its area of operation, any industry has the potential to pollute, but it must limit its impacts and comply with related legislation. Waste management is one way of doing this.
This type of management aims to ensure the correct disposal of each waste from various processes, helping to reduce the aggressions caused to the Environment by several companies and, in addition, to obtain better use of the raw material.
The practice of waste management involves a huge set of steps, such as collection, transport, transshipment, and treatment, until the proper and specific destination for each type of waste, such as recycling or final disposal.
Ambipar has a strong presence in this management of the industrial area, which starts in the production plants, with a focus on de-characterization, recycling, or proper disposal, serving the most varied segments of the industry.
Management like this encompasses the mapping of all the processes of an industry, in addition to caring for its waste, also involving the necessary care in legal, financial, administrative, planning, and engineering matters.
Why hire Ambipar’s waste management service?
If you have an industry, it is imperative that you ensure your waste management and, for that, you can count on Ambipar, an essential partner of corporations aligned with the PNRS (National Policy on Solid Waste).
We are specialists in industrial waste management and nullify the legal risks for contracting companies, carrying out a thorough classification that guarantees a safe final destination for the preservation of the Environment. By hiring Ambipar, companies also avoid the risks of environmental liabilities.
Contact us
Our business analysts are ready to help your company with the best environment solutions.