By Equipe de Redação
Posted in March 1, 2023
According to the Ministry of the Environment “Sustainable Consumption involves choosing products that used fewer natural resources in their production, that guaranteed decent employment to those who produced them, and that will be easily reused or recycled”.
How to apply
Thinking about this definition, we understand that sustainable consumption is an attitude that involves the entire production process and a certain level of awareness.
It is a change in behavior, when individual it takes more time, but when in a joint effort of public bodies, companies, society tends to evolve more quickly and consequently take advantage of the benefits that this action promotes.
Some of the names given to Sustainable Consumption already circulate widely, such as: Conscious consumption, green consumption, responsible consumption. Changes are made in everyday life, follow some good practices;
How important is sustainable consumption?
We know that natural resources are finite, even resources considered renewable can be impacted by phenomena such as pollution, global warming and others, resulting from bad consumption practices by companies and the general population.
Therefore, by practicing good deeds in order to achieve the objectives of efficient and sustainable planning, it is possible to reduce or even prevent long-term impacts and guarantee the three pillars that the UN mentions in its agenda, which are: Social Development, Economic Development and Environmental Development.
Economic development is understood as changes in product composition and allocation of resources by different sectors of the economy, which tend to improve economic well-being indicators in the financial, productive and technological spheres.
Conservation and environmental development as a set of corrective actions and maintenance of the integrity and quality of the environment.
Given these measures, it is possible to ensure social well-being as a whole. Valuing economic, social and technological progress in harmony with nature.
How to promote sustainable consumption?
Among the numerous sustainable practices, we separate some solutions that Ambipar can offer in order to apply sustainability in your company and promote well-being and conscious consumption to society.
– Ambipar’s Environmental Consultancy has established itself as a reference in consultancy in the area, guiding clients in obtaining licenses, certifications and authorizations required by environmental agencies.
– Ambipar’s waste management relies on meticulous classification, guaranteeing a safe final destination for the preservation of the Environment, nullifying the legal risks for contracting companies.
By adhering to this commitment, through our services. Your company presents itself to the market and the future as a business that supports and encourages sustainable development.
Our business analysts are ready to help your company with the best environment solutions.