By Equipe de Redação
Posted in March 7, 2023
The main Brazilian norms that take care of waste management are the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS) and Law No. 12,305/2010, which establish general guidelines for solid waste management in the country. The PNRS establishes objectives and targets for waste management, while the law regulates policy implementation, establishing responsibilities and obligations for the various actors involved, including governments, companies and citizens. In addition, there are specific standards for different types of waste, such as hospital waste, civil construction waste, electronics, among others.
The consumer’s role in complying with waste management standards is fundamental, as it is he who generates part of the waste.
The conscientious consumer must take part of the responsibility for the impact of waste generation and adopt postures such as:
Correctly select waste: waste must be separated according to established standards, so that it can be treated and disposed of properly.
Reduce waste generation: consumers can contribute to reducing the amount of waste generated, through practices such as conscious consumption, reuse of products and packaging, and choosing products with more efficient packaging.
Participating in selective collection programs: most Brazilian cities have selective collection programs, where waste is separated by type and sent to the appropriate processes. It is important for consumers to find out about these programs and participate in them.
Educate yourself about waste: it is important that consumers are informed about waste management standards and practices, so that they can effectively contribute to their implementation.
Demand responsibility from generators: waste generators, like industries and businesses, have legal obligations with regard to waste management. The consumer can demand that these obligations be fulfilled, which contributes to the improvement of waste management in an efficient way.
Ambipar Certification is accredited as a Certification Body (OCP) by the General Coordination of Accreditation (CGRE) of Inmetro, being able to grant the Green Seal to companies from different segments. This seal attests that the institution has complied with the legislation — including the requirements of the National Policy on Solid Waste (PNRS) — and that it may have waste recovery and circular economy practices.
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