Why choose a certification Accredited by Inmetro?
Main reasons: reliability, recognition, credibility, competitiveness, legal requirements.
Rise in Recycling Credit in Brazil
ISTOÉ Dinheiro
Cybersecurity Trends and the Impact of Artificial Intelligence in 2024
Sala da Notícia
Circular Economy, What Are the Challenges and Opportunities?
“Clean energy: an energy transition in Brazil”
Seminário Folha de São Paulo – 19/02/2024
What is a Waste Management Services OCP?
Ambipar Certification is accredited as a Certification Body (OCP) by the General Accreditation Coordination (CGCRE) of Inmetro
Ambipar Triciclo – Matter Returns Machine Neoenergia – Jornal da EPTV – TV Globo
Jornal da EPTV – TV Globo – 08/02/2024
At 15 years old, Consimares highlights advances in integrated waste management
Tribuna Liberal – 06/02/2024
Ambipar raises US$750 million with green bond
UOL by Vanessa Adachi – 04/02/2024
Junk Collection: What is it and why is it important
The recycling market is a source of income, economy and that delivers great results
Neoenergia promotes the Vale Luz Project joint effort
Folha de Pernambuco – 01/02/2024
Ambipar prices green bond offering
Infomoney by Felipe Moreira – 01/02/2024
Sustainable vehicle powered by CNG.
Plástico Virtual – 26/01/2024
Ambipar (AMBP3): how does Fitch evaluate the issuance of bonds abroad?
Space Money by Lucas de Andrade – 23/01/2024
Ambipar debuts on the international market with a US$500 million green bond
Brazil Journal by Pedro Arbex – 22/01/2024