Why my company should invest in “e-waste transport and management”
Ensure sustainability and preservation of the environment
Entel Perú
‘Recycle to Transform’ program.
How to identify opportunities for differentiating sustainable products
Many companies have already learned to transform waste into money. What about yours?
How dependent are we on the carbon cycle?
The carbon cycle — the passage of the element from the environment to living beings and vice versa — is essential for life on the planet.
Claro Peru
Driving the circular economy.
Why choose a certification Accredited by Inmetro?
Main reasons: reliability, recognition, credibility, competitiveness, legal requirements.
Rise in Recycling Credit in Brazil
ISTOÉ Dinheiro
Circular Economy, What Are the Challenges and Opportunities?
What is a Waste Management Services OCP?
Ambipar Certification is accredited as a Certification Body (OCP) by the General Accreditation Coordination (CGCRE) of Inmetro
Junk Collection: What is it and why is it important
The recycling market is a source of income, economy and that delivers great results
Neoenergia promotes the Vale Luz Project joint effort
Folha de Pernambuco – 01/02/2024
Sustainable vehicle powered by CNG.
Plástico Virtual – 26/01/2024
On High ESG: Neoenergia (NEOE3) completes implementation of Vale Luz
Acionista – 05/01/2024
Entrepreneurs are betting on the circular economy trend; discover 6 stories
Pequenas Empresas & Grandes Negócios by Monica Kato – 24/12/2023
Have you ever thought about earning credit for the material you send for recycling? Yes, it exists.
Estadão by Juliana Domingos de Lima – 13/12/2023