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Ciclo Vivo by Natasha Olsen - 07/25/2023

Equipe redação

By Equipe de Redação
Posted in July 25, 2023

“Retorna Machines” will provide R$5 vouchers for orders on iFood. Photo: Divulgação | iFood.

Starting this month of July, anyone using any of the Ambipar Triciclo’s Retorna Machines, spread across 10 Brazilian states, will be able to exchange their points for R$ 5 discount vouchers to use on iFood orders, within the Program’s rules. There are 303 collection points with the capacity to collect a total of 1 million and 212 thousand recycled packages per month.

The machines are equipped to receive used aluminum, steel, plastics, long-life, and glass packaging, which are collected and taken for proper disposal. As a reward for this conscious act, citizens accumulate points called “tricoins,” which entitle them to discounts on iFood.

“By providing iFood users with the opportunity to exchange their recyclable packaging for discount vouchers, we will continue to encourage concrete actions for the environment,” says Felipe Lagrotta Nassar Cury, CEO of Ambipar Triciclo.

How does it work?

Machine that receives recyclable packaging at a bus terminal in Salvador. Photo: Luciane Santana

The first step is to create an account on the Ambipar Triciclo app or website, which will keep track of the points. Then, the user takes their recyclable packaging to one of the “Retorna Machines”. Through the barcode, the machine reads the deposited material and generates 5 to 15 tricoins. Starting from 2,500 tricoins, it is possible to redeem R$5 discount vouchers for orders placed through the iFood app. It is not allowed to use more than one voucher for the same order.

The map of Returns Machines can be consulted on the Ambipar Triciclo website.

“By 2025, we have a public commitment to reduce the amount of plastic in our business by 50% in weight, and the rest will be recycled,” explains André Borges, Director of Sustainability at iFood. “In addition, we develop and encourage the use of sustainable packaging and strengthen our ecosystem with environmental education projects, proper disposal, and support for cooperatives that contribute to collection and recycling,” adds André Borges, Director of Sustainability at iFood.


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