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Esporte News Mundo - 19/09/2023

Equipe redação

By Equipe de Redação
Posted in December 18, 2023

The team from Sailboat Ambipar Response will participate in the traditional REFENO – International Recife – Fernando de Noronha Regatta, which will start on September 23rd in Recife (PE).

The crossing comprises a total course of 300 nautical miles, equivalent to 560 km over water and through the skies.

The 34th edition of the competition will feature the crew from Ubatuba (SP), consisting of 14 members aboard the boat. Almost a hundred sailboats from all over the country will participate in the race.

The boat Ambipar Response, previously known as Montecristo, will compete in the ORC class with an experienced long-distance navigation team.

Alexandre Wissenbach, one of the captains of Ambipar Response, participated in REFENO in 2010. He emphasizes that this regatta represents a substantial challenge for sailors and boats due to the specific conditions of Noronha.

”REFENO suits our boat, a cruiser-racer sailboat that performs very well in Noronha’s maritime conditions, with constant winds and occasional gusts. We are all looking forward to returning to REFENO, but we are fully aware of the great responsibility and challenges we will face.”

”We are equipped with a wide range of safety devices, and the boat is in perfect condition for the challenge. Everyone in our crew has experience in regattas like REFENO, and our team has a fundamental cohesion to maintain a winning spirit throughout the competition.”

Wissenbach emphasizes the importance of the determination and unity of the team, given that a large part of REFENO takes place during the night. He notes: ”Fatigue is not an option. Team cohesion and determination are crucial factors.”

Despite the challenge, the northeastern coast offers spectacular views, although sailors must be prepared to face strong storms, known as Pirajás, which are common in the Atlantic.

Enzo Accioly, a sailor from Ambipar Response, comments: ”I participated in REFENO five years ago. I vividly remember the starry sky during the race; it was an unforgettable experience! This time, I am competing with many friends, and I am sure we will leave an indelible mark on the competition.”

Photo: Caio Souza | On Board


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