By Equipe de Redação
Posted in February 22, 2023
As one of the largest solid waste producers in the world, Brazil has a lot to advance in the waste disposal process and in this scenario, companies like Ambipar emerge as essential partners of corporations aligned with strict disposal policies.
Our strong presence in the management of the so-called industrial waste, a category still collected in the production plants, which gains direction for de-characterization, recycling or proper disposal, qualifies us to serve the most varied segments of the industry. We are responsible for the correct and proven collection and disposal of all waste collected from our customers.
Waste management, the flagship of our business, has a meticulous classification that guarantees a safe final destination for the preservation of the Environment, nullifying the legal risks for contracting companies.
International entities dedicated to guiding new technologies for the disposal of solid and organic waste state that, for companies and societies to be considered successful with their programs, they need to reduce by more than 90% the use of landfills as a solution to their waste.
The growing trend is the use of the so-called Landfill Zero, a system that provides for the processing of solid or organic waste in composting and/or biodigestion systems. The deadline for the end of landfills in Brazil starts at the end of July 2018 and ends on July 31, 2021.
Ambipar already provides consultancy services to companies that have anticipated the demands made by the federal government. In addition to helping to minimize the impact of waste on the Environment, companies that adopt Landfill Zero add even more value to the image of their businesses, creating a healthy relationship with the various audiences interacting with the brand, whether employees, customers or investors .
Therefore, Landfill Zero, more than an international trend, is a federal requirement that approaches companies and waste managers with the promise of generating irreversible gains for the entire chain of society.
In more than 40 years in the market, Ambipar is becoming increasingly co-responsible for managing waste at client companies, freeing them from the risks of environmental liabilities, which generate not only a large financial impact, but also serious damage to corporate and brand image. Our client portfolio includes around 100 companies, both national and international, which include our services on the agenda of their frequent audits regarding the best environmental practices.
Waste classification involves identifying the process or activity that gave rise to it, in addition to its constituents and characteristics with lists of waste and substances whose impact on health and the environment is known.
ABNT’s NBR 10004/04 provides for the classification of solid waste in terms of its potential risks to the environment and public health so that it can be properly managed.
Our service provision aims at generating value in the chain of revaluation of post-industrial production waste, as in this process we ensure that the original characteristics of the raw material are maintained.
We are specialists in the treatment and recovery of waste from generation to transformation into raw materials and useful products for other segments.
ANVISA has a special and more rigorous legislation for companies that carry out their activities in Ports, Airports and Borders (PAF) zones. This is because they are areas that require greater care, involving health risks of international proportions.
If a company’s activity or product presents any risk of complications to the health and well-being of the consumer, this company must undergo surveillance inspection by ANVISA and VISA (COVISA, CIVISA). The supervision of the Sanitary Surveillance has a primarily guiding nature and facilitates the entry of entrepreneurs into the formal market with products and services, guaranteeing good production practices and the safety of all those involved.
Our business analysts are ready to help your company with the best environment solutions.