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Purchase expands the brand's portfolio of sustainable services

Equipe redação

By Equipe de Redação
Posted in March 31, 2022

Decades of work for Brazil. This is the story of Brasil Coleta, which started in 1977 to create, collect, and reuse industrial waste at a time when “sustainability” wasn’t even a known word in the country.

Currently, the company is growing in the market of buying and selling recyclables, as well as in industrial disposal, aligned with the strictest laws regulating environmental protection in Brazil.

By offering so much to the Brazilian sustainability market, Brasil Coleta has become one of Ambipar’s new acquisitions. Now, it has the opportunity to expand its operations and even deal with a larger field of waste. Its industrial plants, located in the states of São Paulo and Amazonas, are designed for processing large volumes, enabling a substantial reduction in logistic and operational costs.

Learn more about the services offered by Brasil Coleta.

Purchase and sale of recyclables

The use of recyclable materials is still very low in Brazil. Of all the waste produced in the country, it is believed that 30% could be reused, but only 3% is effectively recycled. Not to mention that, annually, Brazilians produce more than 79 million tons of waste.

Another concerning factor is that Brazil is the fourth-largest producer of plastic waste in the world, according to a study by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), producing 11.3 tons per year. Of these, only 1.28% are recycled.

A sustainable company understands its responsibility in waste management — and Brasil Coleta exists to form a partnership with it. The company manages inputs with the potential to return to the production chain in a profitable way. This reverse logistics is more easily understood in the relationship with packaging suppliers, who naturally show interest in repurchasing tons of cardboard that can be reused in their production processes. But this cycle can also occur with suppliers of other raw materials, including plastics and glass.

The purchase and sale of recyclable materials provide savings, minimize the environmental impact caused by the disposal of these packages, and significantly reduce the carbon footprint of both companies.

Brasil Coleta is responsible for preserving the original characteristics of the negotiated waste, maintaining a quality standard for each type of material, resulting in the increased value of the transacted ton.

Strategic environmental consulting

For companies that do not yet manage waste, taking the first step can be complicated. With a specialized technical team, Brasil Coleta provides consulting to assist organizations in adopting the best global waste management practices and complying with legal requirements.

Brasil Coleta also helps companies obtain the Certificate of Movement of Waste of Environmental Interest (CADRI), waste management, meeting the demands of companies from various sectors, contributing to the development of environmental policies and the brand’s image in the market.

Waste decharacterization

Waste decharacterization functions as a protection of information and even the brand. It should be employed when an accident occurs in the production of an item that requires a recall or in cases of non-compliance detected by quality control during the production process.

In the decharacterization process, the main product is separated from the packaging, facilitating recycling without risking exposing the brand in byproducts made from this material.

Brasil Coleta uses its own workforce and equipment to verify proper disposal. After the process is completed, a destruction and certification report is issued.

Waste management

Waste management is the flagship service of Brasil Coleta. The company operates in both the collection and final disposal of recyclable and non-recyclable waste, as well as processing them to ensure that all materials have been disposed of or reused without posing risks to the environment.

Brasil Coleta mainly operates in industrial waste management, together with its clients it develops Zero Landfill and emissions offset projects – carbon footprint.

Equipment rental

Depending on the type of waste, a company may need specific equipment for storage and disposal. Brasil Coleta, therefore, provides equipment rental, avoiding the need for the customer to allocate capital for the purchase of vehicles unrelated to the focus of their business.

They have equipment such as compactors, collectors, containers of various sizes, forklifts, presses, crushers in stock that can be allocated on demand.

Waste collection and transportation

In addition to working with its own and fully licensed fleet, the entire Brasil Coleta team works with personal protective equipment (PPE) suitable for the level of risk of each operation. All involved professionals receive specialized training to perform the appropriate procedures for the transportation of hazardous waste that poses risks to health and the environment.

The entire fleet of Brasil Coleta complies with legal requirements for transporting waste of all classifications:

  • Certificate of Inspection for Transport of Hazardous Products (CIPP) in the city of São Paulo;
  • Vehicle Inspection Certificate (CIV), mandatory from Ordinance 457/2008 of Inmetro;
  • Special License for Transport of Hazardous Products (LETPP) in the city of São Paulo;
  • Emergency Response Plan PAE for the transport of hazardous products.

Brasil Coleta is now Ambipar

With the signing of the contract, Brasil Coleta is renamed Ambipar Environmental Brasil Coleta Post Industrial Waste Repurposing S/A.

The acquisition provides Brasil Coleta with integration into the vertical value chain of waste valorization. Additionally, the company now has a national presence, no longer limited to São Paulo.

Since the acquisition was made through Ambipar’s subsidiary, it did not require shareholder approval nor granted the right of withdrawal.


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