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Social franchising accelerates the circularity process and leverages recycling rates in Brazil through social inclusion

Equipe redação

By Equipe de Redação
Posted in November 2, 2022

Ambipar announced the acquisition of the shareholding control of ViraSer Negócios de Impacto, through its direct subsidiary, Environmental ESG Participações S.A. Upon purchase by the company, ViraSer becomes Ambipar Environment, a circular economy business unit. In the last 12 months, ViraSer had revenues of R$ 8 million, EBITDA of R$ 1.8 million and was valued at an enterprise and equity value of R$ 8 million.

With this acquisition, Ambipar starts to leverage recycling rates in Brazil, since ViraSer becomes yet another important channel for the supply of recyclable raw materials (plastic, cardboard, glass, metals, among others) for the transformation industries of the Ambipar Group. In this way, the company enhances environmental education actions, in addition to creating supply strategies, network marketing opportunities and contributing to a positive impact on the provision of environmental services.

As part of the company, ViraSer gains even more power and scale, accelerating its expansion planning, in addition to contributing to the strengthening of the “R’s”: rethink, reduce, reuse, repair, recondition, remanufacture, reuse, recycle, recover, regenerate, resignify, replan, re-engage and so many others. It also strengthens social entrepreneurship, increases the positive impact and environmental sustainability of small and medium-sized municipalities in the recycling chain, in addition to contributing to the expansion of reverse logistics systems for post-consumer packaging in the five Brazilian regions.

ViraSer has been operating for seven years a structuring model of reverse logistics that innovates in the collection and recovery of post-consumer packaging with reinsertion into the production cycle, applying the concept of the circular economy in partnership with cooperatives. The company also has its own method of operating a solid waste center called the “Social Franchise”, which offers solutions to professionalize cooperatives, bring traceability to the process and associations of recycling professionals. According to the company’s expansion plan, the forecast is that for the next few years at least 150 “Social Franchise” units will be created in different regions of the country.

The ViraSer model strengthens the self-management of cooperatives and associations of recycling professionals, enabling them to expand their governance capacity, productive efficiency and the scale of their operations, as well as raising the average monthly income of cooperative members.

“This acquisition increases Ambipar’s service portfolio, intensifying its work with all types of post-consumer waste and cooperatives throughout Brazil. It is initiatives like this that reaffirm the company’s commitment to the transition from a linear to a circular economy, in addition to positively impacting society as a whole” – explains Thiago Silva, CFO of Ambipar.

For more information click on: https://reciclaviraser.com.br/
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