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Space Money - 27/12/2023

Equipe redação

By Equipe de Redação
Posted in December 27, 2023

The company claims to be at the forefront of the industry and a pioneer in the development of reforestation projects for large areas.

The Chamber of Deputies approved, last Thursday (21), the bill (PL) 2,148/2015, which regulates the carbon market in Brazil. The proposal has been forwarded to the Federal Senate and is expected to be considered by lawmakers next year. For Ambipar (AMBP3), when implemented, the Brazilian market will be the largest in Latin America.

In a statement, Ambipar emphasized that in the regulated market, the government sets a limit on the emission of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) within the productive sector and allows for the potential trading of emission deficits and surpluses among entities.

On the other hand, the voluntary market tends to be characterized by an environment where individuals, companies, and organizations neutralize their GHG emissions through carbon credits.

According to the proposed regulation, companies emitting more than 10,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent – CO2E per year will need to establish a monitoring plan for their emissions and develop a periodic report. Companies emitting over 25,000 tons of CO2E per year will also have to, in addition to reporting and monitoring, offset their emissions through emissions permits distributed either freely or onerously by the government.

It is estimated that there are about 5,000 companies in Brazil emitting more than 25,000 tons of CO2E.

Through the creation of an emissions trading system, which allows the transaction of emission quotas between companies that exceed their respective GHG limits and those that have decarbonized their production processes, Ambipar claims to enable the pricing of carbon to stimulate the competitiveness and innovation of the Brazilian industry.

As over 50% of greenhouse gas emissions in Brazil result from deforestation, forest degradation, and changes in land use, the company stated that the proposed law contributes to establishing interoperability between the voluntary and regulated markets. This is achieved through the possibility for companies to offset part of their emissions by acquiring Reduction or Verified Removal Certificates – CRVE, which are voluntary carbon credits converted for trading in the regulated market.

Ambipar claims to be at the forefront of the carbon credit market in Brazil and a pioneer in the development of large-scale reforestation projects, confirming the significant potential of the decarbonization market in Brazil.

The company also focuses on solutions for the management, reduction, and offsetting of greenhouse gas emissions and decarbonization, such as the structuring and implementation of emission inventories, as well as action plans to reduce emission levels in production processes.

The company highlighted the signing of one of the world’s largest reforestation projects in Pontal de Paranapanema, carried out by Ambipar Environment in partnership with AstraZeneca and the Ipê Institute in the late second quarter of this year.

This project in partnership with AstraZeneca covers six thousand hectares of land and the planting of twelve million trees native to the Atlantic Forest biome.


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