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O Estado de S.Paulo - 08/26/2024

Equipe redação

By Equipe de Redação
Posted in August 26, 2024

Ambipar Electric Tricycle (Photo: Disclosure / Ambipar).

By Altamiro Silva Junior, São Paulo, 08/25/2024 – Ambipar, an environmental management company, announced on Sunday night a partnership with the National Association of Recyclable Material Collectors (Ancat) to create the Circular Project, aimed at professionalizing recycling cooperatives in Brazil. The project also plans to replace the traditional carts used by recyclable material collectors with electric tricycles.

Ancat has 512 associated cooperatives and 766,000 tons of recovered waste, representing more than 20% of recyclable material collection in Brazil. In total, the association covers an ecosystem of up to 3,000 cooperatives and around one million collectors, according to a statement from Ambipar to the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM).

“The Circular Project involves transforming the operations of these cooperatives by professionalizing the entire waste treatment process,” the document states. The company notes that the initiative will “support the formalization of cooperative workers, the installation and renewal of equipment for handling and separating materials, as well as the implementation of management aimed at productivity.”

Regarding the replacement of carts with electric tricycles, Ambipar emphasizes that the goal “is to facilitate transportation, increase productivity, and reduce load, thus optimizing manual labor with the use of clean and sustainable energy for the environment.”

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