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DFBW 2022 Awards honors companies with innovative solutions impacting society and the environment

Equipe redação

By Equipe de Redação
Posted in March 31, 2022

Ambipar, a leading multinational company in environmental management, wins an award with the Biodegradable Collagen Soap packaging, produced in the company’s Research, Development, and Innovation (R&D) department, by the Brazilian Design Center (CBD), a pioneer in launching a Brazilian design award with a positive and accessible impact on people, businesses, startups, and organizations.

In its 2nd edition, the Design for a Better World Award aims to identify, gather, and reward transformative ideas, share them with the world, and give voice and visibility to those involved in creating new solutions.

Biodegradable Soap

Ambipar’s Research, Development, and Innovation (R&D) department has developed a sustainable collagen-based soap. The residue comes from the production of pharmaceutical industry medication capsules and used to be destined for landfills. The product reinforces the circular economy practiced by the company.

“The interesting thing about the soap is that the packaging can be taken directly into the shower, where it melts quickly, rapidly degrading the biofilm upon contact with water. Its raw material is innovative and very sustainable, as it is obtained from residual collagen from the pharmaceutical industry,” says Gabriel Estevam Domingos, Director of R&D.


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