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Meio&Mensagem por Taís Farias - February 18th, 2022

Equipe redação

By Equipe de Redação
Posted in February 18, 2022

To engage the public, companies invest in partnerships and seek to escape the purely inspirational discourse.

The study “ESG Challenges for the reputation of companies” proposed by Percepta Marketing e Behavior and carried out by Somatório Inteligência Direcionated revealed that the ESG theme is disconnected from the work of corporate communication in 71% of the companies surveyed. The analysis was divided into two stages. First, the platform analyzed 13,700 posts from 120 medium and large companies on social networks. The second stage was marked by interviews with executives from 45 companies.

The study also pointed out that the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are part of the strategy of 15% of companies. In conversations with executives, only a third said they had a mature ESG agent at their company. Data like this helps to illustrate the market challenges in developing effective ESG actions and communicating them to your audience.

Earlier this year, Vivo launched a new campaign for the Recycle with Vivo program, created by the Africa agency. The film features three children on a mission to protect the environment by recycling electronics. With the motto “Transforming the past into the future”, the campaign was shown on open and pay TV, on social networks and in cinemas in Brazil. The purpose of the action was not only to communicate to the final consumer about the actions developed by the telecommunications company, but to encourage them to contribute to the program, disposing of their equipment in stores.

Ambev shares this philosophy: “We know the importance and relevance of having a very consistent communication work so that everyone who is part of our ecosystem is aware of the measures we take, the work we carry out”, says Nayara Baccan Pereira, sustainability manager at Ambev. Ambev. “For the final audience, we follow the same reasoning, mainly taking into account how much we can influence and engage the community aiming at the same path”, adds the executive. At Kimberly-Clark, this involves mobilizing the sales team so that the purpose reaches the consumer. “Our priorities and goals are based on the people we serve, what we do and how we do it,” explains Alina Assiminei, VP of marketing for Kimberly-Clark Professional Latin America.

Rodrigo Brito, South Cone sustainability manager at Coca-Cola Latam: “There is always great care. We don’t want to sound or look like a hero” (Credit: Disclosure/Coca-Cola).

But this communication, of course, requires care. Rodrigo Brito, South Cone sustainability manager at Coca-Cola Latam, argues that it is always necessary to communicate the deed and not the intention or promise. “You are always very careful. We don’t want to sound or look like a hero”, says the professional.

Circular Partnerships

Faced with the complexity of creating and enabling effective sustainability actions, partnerships between companies and institutions become an alternative when it comes to operationalizing projects. At the beginning of this year, Ambev joined Triciclo, a company of the Ambipar Group. Together, the companies installed ten machines in São Paulo, called Retorno Machine.

In them, from a loyalty and reward program, consumers can reverse recyclable packaging that would be discarded by recharging a transport voucher and prepaid cell phone, bonuses on electricity bills or discounts at bookstores. To participate, the user needs to create a Triciclo digital account and deposit the packages. With this, he receives credits that can be exchanged for benefits. Returns Machines are scattered in metropolitan terminals, subway stations and at gas stations.

In the same month, the Heineken Group and the paper producer Klabin joined forces to make the city of Telêmaco Borba, in the interior of Paraná, a 100% circular territory in packaging. The idea is that all recyclable solid waste in the municipality, which has about 80,000 inhabitants, is transformed, reused or recycled, preventing it from being sent to sanitary landfills. The project was structured in 2020 by Hub Incríveis, a creative innovation network, and has the support of the ViraSer reverse logistics program. Actions include improvements in the structure of cooperatives, improvement of public policies, training and development of leaders, environmental education initiatives and the creation of a recycling network.

The idea is that the sponsors can prototype solutions created in Telêmaco Borba to be applied in other cities. Grupo Boticário invested in a partnership with Suzano, a bioproducts manufacturer, for the Amostragem do Bem project. The action will replace the material from the perfumery samples (1 ml vials) with a plastic-free alternative. The product is made with Greenpack, Suzano’s paper developed for flexible packaging with raw material from a renewable and biodegradable source. Currently, on average, 30 million samples are distributed, which is equivalent to 21.2 tons of plastic.


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