'The standing forest has to be worth more than soy and cattle', says Suzana Pádua; read interview
The State of São Paulo – 02/01/2023
Loggerhead turtle hatchlings are born on the edge of Vila Velha
Mail Capixaba – 02/01/2023
Ambify integrates MB list
The Ambify app democratizes carbon credits and makes them available by associating technology and transparency
What is the Circular Economy?
Circular economy is the way to treat, think and care for the manufacture, use of goods and natural resources in a restorative and regenerative way
What is the Circular Economy?
Circular economy is the way to treat, think and care for the manufacture, use of goods and natural resources in a restorative and regenerative way
Ambify lands in the international market through Digitra
Revista TAE, 01/04/2023
Ambipar intends to reduce the pace of acquisitions in 2023
Economic value, Mergers and Acquisitions – 01/04/2023
Ambipar improves final assessment and remains in the ISE portfolio in 2023
Ambipar improves final assessment and remains in the ISE portfolio in 2023
Ambipar Certification concede Selo Verde ao Grupo Ibrame
Ambipar Certification granted the Ibrame Group the Green Seal, a certificate that attests to compliance with environmental legislation
Cristina Andriotti, from Ambipar: Dedicating ourselves to guiding, we show that it is possible to start simple actions and observe environmental and governance issues in everyday life
Revista LIDE – 12/28/2022
Ambify lands in the international market through Digitra
Ambify token makes offsetting carbon emissions simple and affordable
Carbon credit is an economic alternative presented during an international meeting in Amazonas
Amazônia Press by Shayenne Medeiros – 12/20/2022
PetroNotícias – 12/20/2022
Ambipar wants to lead the transition to low carbon
Integridade ESG by Cintia Salomão – 12/19/2022
Grupo Ibrame receives the Green Seal of Approval from Ambipar Certification.
Click Petróleo and Gás by CPG Informes Corporativos – 12/19/2023