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Jornal Dia Dia - 11/27/2022

Equipe redação

By Equipe de Redação
Posted in December 22, 2022

Event will solve Pantanal residents’ doubts next Wednesday (30), in the capital REDD+ projects are already a reality in the Pantanal biome.

Actions that seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and thus increase carbon stocks through the sustainable management of ecosystems, take place in rural properties that joined forces with Biofílica Ambipar, a pioneering Brazilian company in the development of carbon projects as a tool to promote environmental conservation.

“Our idea is to show the producer that he can certify his property and implement the carbon project aimed at the voluntary market in harmony with his main economic activity. It should be noted that to participate, areas of native vegetation, forest and non-forest, that are at risk of deforestation are needed”, points out the CEO, Plínio Ribeiro, who will bring details about the potential of the Pantanal, next Wednesday (30) , from 9 am, in the Famasul System auditorium.

Biofílica Ambipar’s projects reduce more than 3.5MM tCO2eq per year. For Instituto Taquari Vivo, one of the supporters of the event and which carries out recovery projects for the Taquari River basin, the initiative helps rural producers to understand more about the market and how they can insert themselves in this new rural context, preserving and complementing the income.

“It is an opportunity for the producer to understand if there is a possibility and how certification for the carbon market works, it is the future that is already knocking at the door, even highlighting that the Pantanal people need, more and more, to be valued for conserving environmental resources” , points out the executive director of ITV, Renato Roscoe.

Service: The event will take place next Wednesday (30), starting at 9 am, in the Famasul System auditorium, in Campo Grande – MS.
Press office / Agro Agência Assessoria Mayara Martins Tel: +55 (67) 9 8405-4452 Email: [email protected]


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