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Capital Fm Radio - 09/18/2023

Equipe redação

By Equipe de Redação
Posted in September 18, 2023

Photo: Reproduction/Amigos da Jubarte.

A 6-hour operation, involving biologists and locals, rescued a humpback whale calf stranded on a beach in Espírito Santo.

The incident occurred at Manguinhos Beach in Serra.

The newborn whale was injured. After hours of work and great effort, the biologists managed to return the little one to the sea.

The calf had stranded near the same location last Saturday and reappeared on Sunday. The watchful mother saw it all!

The Rescue

The operation was complex but fueled by a lot of solidarity.

Over 4 animal institutes, along with the Serra City Hall and beachgoers present at the site, gave the animal a new lease on life.

Professionals were struck by the fact that, during the rescue, the baby’s mother observed everything.

“Several times we saw the mother flapping her fin on the bottom, and later we could see her approaching the calf after it was released,” said João Marcelo Ramos, Director of Projects at the Orca Institute.

It took a lot of patience from everyone in the operation to rescue the whale calf. Everyone worked hard to ensure the animal safely returned to its mother. And it worked.

Protection Measures

Veterinarians placed wet towels and protected the calf with umbrellas.

Additionally, they administered pain medication since the calf had some injuries.

After 6 hours of hard work, the team involved in the rescue finally succeeded in freeing the little one!

Participating in the action, in addition to the Orca Institute and the Serra City Hall, were the Humpback Whale Institute, Friends of Jubarte, and Ambipar Environmental Response.

Watchful Mother

Now, João hopes that, back with its mother, the baby, which professionals estimate to be no more than a week old, does not strand again.

“His chance is still very small, but he has a little more chance now by being with his mother, having her protection. His battle won’t be easy; he was quite debilitated, although he was treated by veterinarians and medicated,” he explained.

Regardless of what happens from here on, our hearts are already warmed by this rescue.

After 6 hours, the baby returned to the safety of its mother’s fins.

With information from A Gazeta.


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