By Equipe de Redação
Posted in June 28, 2021
During Environment Week, Ambipar, the leader in environmental management, prepared an exclusive event for employees. The objective was to hold lectures to raise awareness about the preservation of nature and disseminate the company’s actions to everyone. For this, directors and specialists were invited to present all of Ambipar’s work and services that are aligned with promoting sustainability in the world.
The opening of the event was attended by Onara Lima, director of sustainability. She introduced herself to all of her colleagues and spoke about ESG and the importance of discussions about caring for the environment. Soon after, the commercial director Luiz Gustavo explained what waste management is and how Ambipar has a fundamental role in preserving the environment.
On the second day of the event, the laboratory assistant of the Research, Development and Innovation department, Nathalia Silva Rafael, showed employees how the development of products from industrial waste works and what the circular economy is in practice. Ambipar’s innovations, such as Ecoálcool, Ambiclean, Ecosolo, Softener, Soap Collagen, were presented to employees with in-depth explanations on the research carried out until reaching the development of the final product.
The third day of the lecture included an in-depth explanation of legislation and procedures that involve emergency care. Ambipar’s Chief Operational Officer (COO), Dennys Spencer, explained how environmental emergencies work, the procedures that must be carried out in each event, the safety rules to be followed, how to identify the products involved in the emergency and how to respond accordingly quick and assertive. The whole explanation showed employees the complexity and importance of Ambipar’s work to mitigate environmental impacts.
The fourth day of the Environment Week was attended by the superintendent of waste recovery, Camila Martucci and the technical superintendent, Wellington Campos. The subject of the lecture was the concept of reverse logistics, how this type of service works and which market segments need to carry out this practice in accordance with the legislation. The specialists also addressed all the daily initiatives that employees must have to help the company in the selective collection, recycling and recovery of waste generated at Ambipar’s operational and commercial bases.
The last day of the lecture and closing of the event was made by Onara Lima. The objective was to explain all the sustainability practices already carried out by Ambipar, present the 2020 Sustainability Report published that year, encouraging its reading and raising awareness of the need to take care of the planet on a daily basis, following sustainable actions on a daily basis and carrying out activities that contribute with the future of Earth.
All lectures were made completely online to avoid crowding during a pandemic. Participants received an ecological metal straw as a gift and 50 sound amplifiers made of bamboo were raffled among the collaborators. The chats were replicated at all Ambipar units in Brazil, including those who are part of the operations and do not have access to computers.
Every year, Ambipar holds events during Environment Week to show the importance of caring for nature and aims to make employees aware of sustainable practices that should be part of their routine, preserving the world for future generations.
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