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Software development and open operation services take the spotlight

Equipe redação

By Equipe de Redação
Posted in March 28, 2022

Traceability, blockchain, tokenization. All these concepts, which are now in vogue with the success of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, are specialties of Ambipar Bleu Technologies, a new company within the Ambipar Group.

Bleu specializes in blockchain technology development, which functions as a large database (somewhat like a digital ledger) that records all transactions between two parties in the virtual realm. The company’s proposal is to contribute to the evolution and dissemination of this resource in Brazil.

Learn more about the company’s services:

Genio Tracking

Genio Tracking is Bleu’s exclusive technology that utilizes blockchain to trace the entire path of a product, including raw materials and inputs, from production to the end consumer.

The company guarantees:

  • Specific solutions tailored to the customer’s needs.
  • Coverage of 100% of the company’s workflow stages.
  • Exact location of where each stage was carried out.
  • Product photos and production data.
  • Immutability of information.

The feature can be used to track the entire waste chain, from generation to valorization, bringing transparency and applying circular economy principles to all aspects.

According to the company, the use of blockchain — specifically Genio Tracking — will be one of the tools to transform Ambipar into a global reference in the use of carbon credits as compensation.

Asset Tokenization

Tokenization is no longer the future, but the present. A tokenized asset is essentially a digital contract issued via blockchain and associated with a legal document representing the physical asset. The owner of the contract (token) is also the owner of the asset.

Bleu transforms a physical asset into a digital token, reducing costs and facilitating transactions.

Specialized Consultancy

From novices to experienced investors, Bleu offers consultancy for those interested in investing in blockchain solutions in the financial market and other utilities.

Smart Contracts

The digital contract is a document signed by all parties, but not in a physical manner. With Bleu, the client automates processes with digital contracts and ensures security.


The use of blockchain technology is not limited to assets and contracts. Bleu also uses it to develop the best blockchain applications for client companies.

Bleu is now Ambipar

Ambipar is attentive to the intelligent use of technology for sustainability projects. Therefore, in October, it announced the acquisition of Bleu to provide knowledge and experience in blockchain.

Following this acquisition, Bleu is now known as Ambipar Bleu Technologies.

As a leader in environmental management in Brazil, Ambipar offers resources, ideas, and experts to help your company transition from the traditional to the sustainable model. Contact a sales analyst and learn how we can assist your company.


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