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Ambipar has a portfolio with different types of training focused on emergency response, occupational risk prevention, occupational safety and ESG. We have training centers located in Chile, Peru and the largest multimodal training center in Latin America, located in Brazil – Nova Odessa-SP. With these trainings, we promote the qualification of people guaranteeing quality and safety in the processes, with a highly qualified technical staff with national and international certifications.



The International Course on Emergency Response to Hazardous Products is based on NFPA 470 and ABNT NBR14.064, meeting the requirements of national and international legislation.

The courses are taught in the Ambipar training fields by multidisciplinary instructors with practical actions in real events, and aim to provide participants with technical and practical knowledge that allows them to develop defensive and preventive actions as a result of emergencies with chemical and dangerous products. , including assessment and monitoring techniques, as well as:


Oil Spill

The OIL SPILL training qualifies the participant to perform tasks safely on onshore and offshore units, transmitting the basic knowledge about safety measures on board, in accordance with the recommendations contained in Resolution A.891 (21) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the STCW-1978 Convention and its amendments.

This training is based on IMO – International Maritime Organization and NORMAM – Maritime Authority Standards.


Emergency Brigades

Training that meets the requirements of ABNT and other national standards and Technical Instructions of the State Fire Brigade.

The field operations meet the diverse scenarios found in real situations by the AMBIPAR team, a leading company in response to responding to environmental emergencies. We offer the following trainings:


Storage and Handling of Hazardous Products

We offer training that meets the requirements of the Emergency Response Plans (PAE), Risk Management Program (PGR), ANTT Resolutions, ABNT Standards, IBAMA Normative Instructions, State and Municipal Laws and ISO certifications.


Simulator Equipment

Ambipar offers simulator equipment that can be used in training conducted in company or in the structure of the Ambipar Response Training Center in Nova Odessa / SP.



Over the years, Ambipar has performed thousands of simulated exercises, has professionals and resources that help its customers to keep their Emergency Assistance Plans (PAE) always audited and updated, with monitoring in alignment meetings, activity planning and preparation.

Our simulations are carried out with vehicles, boats, aircraft, equipment and specific materials for the emergency care scenario to be simulated.

We prepared a conclusive report with data, images and evaluations obtained during the activity containing observations and opportunities for improvement.


Master ESG

The best and most complete content on ESG, developed by Ambipar VG specialists, with an exclusive methodology, fully designed to expand the mind in relation to sustainability and the world.

The Master ESG Course is distinguished by combining theory with practice with great dynamism, bringing all the expertise of professionals who work directly in the market.



To comply or even leverage your company in the sustainability market, Ambipar has updated training with a multidisciplinary team of tutors and Senior professionals. Our courses help you understand and put into practice all ISO requirements related to the following topics:

  • Internal Auditor
  • Management
  • Quality
  • Environment
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Food Safety
  • Legislations
  • Effluent and Solid Waste Treatment


Ambipar offers online training, which promotes the continuous training of people, aiming to guarantee the quality and safety in the companies’ processes. The trainings are designed and delivered by a technical body with national and international certification.The virtual learning environment offers conditions for permanent interactions between users for the transmission of knowledge and learning of content, allowing the integration of multiple media, languages, resources and presenting information in an organized way between people and knowledge objects. Our platform offers the following themes:


2024 schedule and registracion


Access our training calendar and register for 2024.



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